Hydromorphone 4 Mg

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Using Hydromorphone 2 Mg. What should I look for and how to prevent terrible constipation with this medication. Thank you for your time. ## Hydromorphone is a narcotic, so along with the constipation, it may also cause dizziness, dry mouth and nausea. It really isn't good to mix other medications with it, without checking with your doctor. When I was on narcotic pain management, what I found that worked best to prevent the constipation and is completely natural were fiber supplements. Most people don't get enough in their diet, anyway and fiber is not known to cause reactions with many other medications. Are there any other questions? ## Take magnesium suppliments, when i broke my arm they gave my hydromorphone and i took magnesium to build bone density and stop constipation. ##...

4 REPLIES Filed under Hydromorphone

My doctor changed my dose from 6 mg extended release to 12 mg extended release. I hope this will help. How much 12 mg will be released in my system at once?? I take 2 every 12 hours. ## Hello, Chris! How are you? I'm sorry, but I have no information on the exact release rate of the ones you're taking. How are they working for your pain? This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

1 REPLY Filed under Hydromorphone

Small white pill with M on one side and 4 on the other ## Based on the description provided, I can confirm your pill to be Hydromorphone HCL (4 mg). Hydromorphone is used to relieve moderate to severe pain and severe, painful dry coughing. Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Stearic Acid Ref: DailyMed ## Can u tell me what forms the M-4mg hydromorphone come in? ## Due to the number of possible side effects, safety of administration and high potential for dependence/abuse, It definitely is not recommended; but based on my research it can be done. I personally don't support this idea, but as long as you understand the risks associated with this method of administration. ## Addiction is rare for chronic pain patients taking ...

6 REPLIES Filed under Hydromorphone

I have been taking Ultram 50 mg 2 tabs 4 times/day + Lyrica 150 mg twice/day for years for not only almost every vertebrae in my neck & back being herniated with impinged nerves, spinal stenosis, degenerative spine disease & scoliosis, but also severe fibromyalgia & osteoarthritis (mostly in the knees & ankles. I had a spinal cord implant last year, but even though it does help, it just doesn't do the entire trick for me. My doctor tried switching the Lyrica for Cymbalta, but I developed Serotonin Syndrome & didn't sleep the entire week I was on it. Due to lack of sleep, I developed a gigantic migraine headache & took Fiorecet & Benadryl, thinking it was due to sinus problems. Needless to say, that only made the Serotonin Syndrome worse & I ended ...

1 REPLY Filed under Opana

Need a picture of an 8 mg dilaudid / hydromorphone pill ## Hello, Lando! How are you? I'm sorry, but there are quite a few on the market, since this medication is available as both a name brand and a generic, so I can't post all the descriptions for you. What are the markings on the tablet in question? If you can post back with more information, I will gladly check for you to see what the tablet contains. Thank you! This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## Is there a dilauded that is round, light green, has a line across one side and no letters or numbers on either side but has a outline of a woman head or it's a fancy U or A? ## There are no Dil...

3 REPLIES Filed under Pain Relief

My mom has been battling stage 3 Salivary glad cancer for 5 years. She is terminal. Lately there has been 2 seisures due to low potassium. She is on pain management of 53 mg/ml/hr of hydromorphone iv . Is this too much? ## Hello, Dwaycott! How is your mom doing? When it comes to pain relief, it is best to leave the dosing up to her doctors. I understand your concern, but there are many medical studies that have shown that higher doses of narcotics to make the people more comfortable in such situations don't hasten death. I am so very sorry that she is terminal, my dad is as well, so don't think I am taking this lightly…. but there is a point where their comfort has to become most important. Cancer pain is intractable when it hits the terminal stage, you can't even begi...

1 REPLY Filed under Hydromorphone

Hello, I have an appointment coming up with PM Dr in a week. I am currently taking the morphine ER, 30mg twice daily, along with 4 10mg oxycodone per day as needed. .my questions are..is hydromorphone ER better vs the morphine ER in terms of pain control and how long it lasts in the body? I have very recently started to take these kinds of MEDS again and am trying to find something that works and I can afford. ..I know, good luck, right? Lol..anyway, I was also wondering if anyone out there might feel like hydromorphone is also better than oxycontin of similar strength? I know hydromorphone is way more potent than morphine, and I think I read that it is stronger than oxycontin also,but it seems to me that I have heard that the hydro does NOT last as long as the oxycontin. ..any help tha...

1 REPLY Filed under Hydromorphone

What does the Canadian version of a 1mg Dilaudid look like? It has an 1h on one side and APO on the other and it's green. ## Yes, this tablet is a generic for Dilaudid that is manufactured by Apotex Canada, they list it as containing 1mg of Hydromorphone. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Hydromorphone

My doctor told me to up my hydromorphone from 6 mg to 12 mg extended release. I was taking 6 mg extended every 12 hours with 4 mg enstant release every 4 hours. Now I'm taking 12mg extended release every 12 hours with 1mg enstant release every 4 hours. How is that upping my dose?? Wasn't the 6 mg extended release with the 4 mg enstant release every 4 hours more then I'm taking now ?? Please help. ## Hello, Steve! How are you? Yes, you are correct. Adding up the two 6mgs a day and the 6 4mg one comes out to 36mgs daily. But 12 mgs twice a day, plus 1mg 6 times a day is only 30mgs. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Have you asked your doctor ab...

2 REPLIES Filed under Hydromorphone

Hi I'm Honey and I'm new here, I was taking 10mg of oxycodon my doc changed it and now taking Hydromorphone 2mg with a p on other side. This med is not working for me at all!! Also take morphine 30mg.do you think my doc would change it back to oxy and maybe increase mg or give it 4 times a day instead of 3 times day? I'm in so much pain. Thx in advance ## Hello, Honey! How are you? It would require 3.75mgs per dose of Hydromorphone to equal each 10mgs of the Oxycodone that you were taking, which likely explains why the 2mg dosage isn't working for you. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. However, no one can spe...

1 REPLY Filed under Hydromorphone

My husband has been on hydromorphone 24 mg extended release for well over a year with great results... no break thru pain etc.. Recently workers comp has requested that he change to the Fentanyl patch due to cost. Almost immediately he had horrible side effects that have continued... He is on day 3 and just been told that it's because he is in withdrawal from the hydromorphone and they are increasing the Fentanyl. Does anyone else have any input on this? Fentanyl vs hydromorphone? Any help/info would be appreciated. ## What is the dose he has been prescribe of the Fentanyl patch? The ratio from 24mgs of Hydromorphone would be 0.32mgs of Fentanyl, so yes, if he was given too low of an amount, he might be dealing with withdrawals issues. What side effects has he been dealing with? The...

1 REPLY Filed under Hydromorphone

I have been on hydrocodone for years. Never really helped with my pain. I injured my back several years ago. I just recently was prescribed hydromorphone 4 mg for chronic pain. Just wanted to know if anyone has experience with it. And what can I expect as far as side effects. Any comments would be appreciated. ## The FDA and NIH lists its typical side effects to being similar to those of other opiates, such as the Hydrocodone, so they may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, depression, and constipation. Are you on any other medications? Generally, when they gave it to me in the hospital, I experienced a lot of vomiting. ## I am curious as to how long it takes a 6mg hydromorphone (time-release) to start working? I am just starting to take it. ## Omg! I was put on that after c...

3 REPLIES Filed under Hydromorphone

Not sure relation to oxy, but dr refuse to refill and has left me without. That has led to long hospital visits..have rare condition....I cannot believe what is going on w pain in fl and other..with just 2 mg hydromorphone not in such intense abdominal cramps..still in pain but able to low function ...without zofran the nausea and vomit is full throttle..on a picc line to feed me...I am amazed that prof criminal of wholesale, dr,, and some people, leave ones with real phy pain like this...I was always telling all drs, include primary and mayo, that my condition worsens w pain..ignored..so end up in er 34 days out of 60 with serious rare condition..and now cantget meds and treated like criminal...i was on lynx and appt cancellled..my waefarin was needed and bleeding!!! But they ignoresin...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Is morphine stronger than hydromorph contin. I use to take 100 mg of morphine, I've since had 6 major back operations and now have titanium rods from my pelvis up to my occupant so I no longer am able to move my head at all for it's fused to my body. I'm taking 24mg of hydromorph contin. It doesn't work for me and I was wondering if just morphine is stronger for pain? ## Hello, Terry! How are you? No, the Hydromorphone is much stronger. You only need 1.5mgs of it for every 10mgs of Morphine. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Have you consulted your doctor? Are you on any other medications, or just this one?

1 REPLY Filed under Hydromorphone

As a way to end a long battle with neuropathic pain from chemotherapy that started with hydrocodone and ended with 100 mcg Duragesic Patch/48 hours, I wanted to get off the patches and so first brought down, slowly, to 50 mcg Duragesic/48 hours and then I wanted to move to a different drug - we switched to hydromorphone, beginning at 8 mg 6 x day for 4 days, then 4 mg a 11 x day for 7 days, then eventually to 4 mg 8 x a day = 32 mgs a day. I am not metabolizing this well and in a lot of pain and discomfort, and so we are switching to a drug I am unfamiliar with, called Lucynta. I am to take 100 mg 4 x a day, and in two weeks go down 1/2 pill every 2 weeks until I'm done. Has anyone used Lucynta for weaning? I understand that I am fortunate to be weaning from hydromorphone rather tha...

3 REPLIES Filed under Hydromorphone

Can I take 40mg belsomra with 150mcg fentanyl transdermal patch? And with that pain med I also take 8mg hydromorphone two times daily....I've suffered from insomnia forever since my mid twenties and just dealt with it until my mid thirties...I'm on klonopin but since I'm very ill and bc of being on 80mg oxycontin from only being on 10 mg vicodin I blame pharma company's for aiding in having a high tolerance and being medically addicted. I have lupus and lupus blood clotting disease (world's biggest blood clot survivor), interstitial cystitis, ulcerative colitis with throat to rectum yeast infection, regurgitating, stage 3 kidney failure, rheumatoid arthritis, & also took out my large colon - all of it with no bag :). ANYWAY I beg of you to let me know if I can ta...

3 REPLIES Filed under Belsomra

iS HYDROMORPHONE the same as Morphine I was just concerned about my aunt. ## No they are not the same drug. Hydromorphone is a derivative of morphine. Hydromorphone is approx. 5x more potent mg for mg than morphine, and is typically given as an alternative to morphine. This information is reference from: Because Hydromorphone is a lot stronger, I personally wouldn't treat them as being similar drugs. I hope this helps! Please post back if you have any other questions or comments to add. ## My drug panel came back for hydromorphine but I only take morphine and embeda. So why did it come back as hydromorphone? Isn't that dilaudid? ## which is better at stopping pain of a broken rib hydrmorphone or morphine? ## My drug panel came back for hydromorphine but I only take morphine and ...

9 REPLIES Filed under Hydromorphone

Im taking 30mg of oxycodone 6xa day would 8mg of hydromorphone 4 x a day be better was on 30 mg of oxycodone every 4 hours with 15 mg of oxycodone in between now they have cut me down to 30mg 6 times a day should i stay on the oxycodone or switch to hydrmorhone? ## In order to be equivalent to your current dosage of Oxycodone, you would need 67.5mgs of the Hydromorphone. The FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Did your doctor suggest this change? ## Hydrmorhone is duladid correct or incorrect, and what is oxymorphone? ## Matthew, Yes, hydromorphone is Dilaudid while oxymorphone is better known under the brand name Opana.Both are very potent opiods that carry a...

4 REPLIES Filed under Hydromorphone

Is hydromorphone the same as dilaudid I've. ## @Biglou, Hydromorphone is the generic name for Dilaudid (brand name), so yes, they are the same drug in that sense. However not all dosage forms are IV-based. For example, I've seen 4mg Dilaudid tablets in person and have also heard of patients taking 2 to 8mg tablets throughout this forum. One other thing to note is that they do make a brand called "Dilaudid-HP" (Hydromorphone Hydrochloride Inj.) which is marketed for intravenous use. Although, I have yet to find out if there is a generic form of the IV as well. Hope this helps answer your question! ## Regarding the post of Hydromorphine IV and dilaudulid: they are the same medication. I was on Dilaudid, (generic name) Exalgo ER 8 mg oral for chronic pain. While in hospital...

2 REPLIES Filed under Hydromorphone

Due to a physician error I am unable to get my prescription filled for 18 mg hydromorph contin, and he's now on vacation. I have old 100 mg tablets of ms contin that was prescribed in 2011. Can I take these safely as a substitute until I can resolve the prescription problem? ## Hello, Patty! How are you? It would take 72mgs of the MS Contin to equal each 18mgs of the Hydromorphone. However, the problem is that your MS Contin tablets are expired. Medications lose effectiveness over time, so you should actually dispose of them. Doubling up isn't safe to try, either, since that could result in an overdose. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mou...

3 REPLIES Filed under Hydromorphone

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