How To Tell A Fake Percocet And Real One 10 325 A333

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How can you tell if you have a bad percocet 10mg/325 pill? Anyway to test to make sure they are good? ## Hey Bob; thats a real good question. and the sad part is they come in all shapes and sizes based on the manufacturer and brand...overall the will be a long a oblong shape pill with the numbers clearly written on it. except in the case of watson where it says watson right on it... another way to determine a real one from the fake one is by the price. if you see a ridiculous price like $2 ($60 for 30) a pill chances are you getting a placebo...the average cost of 30 pills is anywhere from $500 to $700. anywhere in that price range you know that you are good. ## 500 to 700 bucks for 10/325 percocet? ## People are making fake a333 and others... watch out ## Yep, I know for a fact because...

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