How To Get Off Xanax

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I've been on 0.1 mg. of Xanax for about 2 yrs. and I find that I'ts not doing as good as it used to. I'm trying to take myself off, but this is really difficult. My heart races so fast,nausea, vomiting, I can't even sit down. I get them legally from my mental health doctor. I have severe panic attacks when around people or in stores. I know I have taken more than I should of this month, I received some really bad news about my health and thought they would calm me down. Now I don't have enough to last until my next appt. Is there anyway I can do this on my own? I'm ashamed of myself for what I did, and I know I will pay horribly with side affects from not having them. Is there anything I can do to help myself? Thank you. ## Is there anyway you can talk to your ps...

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax XR

I have been taking it for 25 years I want to change to xanax. ## Hello, Angie! How are you doing? After having been on it for such a long period of time, a careful tapering schedule is most likely going to be needed to prevent your having withdrawal issues and rebound effects. Have you talked to your doctor about it? They should be able to help you discover a tapering schedule that will work for you and minimize any possible problems.

1 REPLY Filed under Librium

been on xanax for 9 years for grave's disease. All of a sudden my doctor refuses to write this drug anymore. So I am trying to get off them and yet after 1 month it has a hold on me and super high pulse rates that range from 105-91-then after1 pill it goes to normal 72. Been trying to drop down 1 pill a month and yet I have major problems. WHY IS THAT ??Someone please explain. thanks ## Xanax is well known to be habit forming and, after taking it for a very long period of time, stopping it is known to cause withdrawal effects, as well as the risk of seizures. The FDA lists benzodiazepines as causing depression of the central nervous system, which means it slows things down, including your heart rate, stopping abruptly may cause a rebound effect, which is why you'd experience the...

8 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I would like to start getting off Xanax xr gradually, how do I go about it......... ## Alprazolam is difficult to wean off, and FDA was considering withdraling it -- just like Methaqualone in the 1970s - then the parent company met with FDA behind closed doors -- You could try a long acting benzodiazepine like clonazepam - will prevent the withdrawl symptoms, but will not give you the kick that so many Xanax users like though. ## I have taken Xanax for years! I take it responsibly. I had a potassium problem a few years back and ended up in a very, very bad depression with anxiety attacks. I started on Potassium, Zoloft and Xanax to get through the terrible anxiety attacks I dealt with every day for a few weeks, till the medication kicked in. I was afraid to take the low dose of Xanax 3 ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

How should someone wean himself off Xanax XR 1 mg per day if he has been on it for one month for anxiety? ## I would say taking 0.5mg once a day and 0.25mg once a day for a week, then reduce to 0.25 twice a day for a week and finally 0.25mg once a day for a week. I've been on 2mg of XR for 10 years and I'm taking it much slower, but no longer than a month and that should work fine. ## I have been on 2 mg at bedtime for 17 years and now mr Dr. can't write them anymore. What should i do? ## Stopping this medication abruptly can cause a risk of seizures, according to FDA reports. Withdrawals may also cause rebound anxiety, nervousness, pain, and insomnia. Tommie, why can't your doctor prescribe them anymore? Weaning is usually done very slowly, to prevent withdrawal issues,...

9 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I take 4 mgs of xanax and 4mgs of xanax xr. The xr never worked well for me so the dr added the reg xanax for breakthru. how do I wean. I've been on them for 1and1/2 yrs. I don't like the side effects but how do you wean when xr can't be broken.I need to get off them ## I also had to gradually increase my dosage of Xanax to maintain the needed effectiveness. My Dr. started me on Klonopin, at my request, and I gradually got off Xanax in a couple of weeks. I am very satisfied with Klonopin & have not had to increase my dosage in 3 years. Best drug decision I ever made. ## I can only suggest talking to your doctor about it. There are lower doses of the Xanax XR available, so they should be able to prescribe a lower dosage to help you wean off. Stopping it abruptly can creat...

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Just wondering if this is safe? Ive been on this medication for 3 years off and on. I use to be prescribed the 0.5 mg tablets but my anxiety got better so my dr decreased my dose. Ive been taking the 0.25 mg for months now and it doesnt help my anxiety,so wondering if safe to take two at a time ## You shouldn't double up on this medicine as you would run out quicker and face possible withdrawal issues. Is it safe on the other hand to do so? Well, yes. ## Okay thank you. I know doubling up on medication isnt good. I just wanted to make sure that I didnt have to worry about overdose or something. Say if I take two 0.25 mg xanax at each dosing twice a day. And I usually wait 8 hours in between dosings ## Does the Doctor prescribe enough medicine to last you a month, not half a month if...

8 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Round & white theres a cross on one side & on.the Other side it reads mylan A 4 ## Xanax is available as both a name brand and the generic Alprazolam, so it is manufactured by several different companies, which means I couldn't possibly post pictures of all of them. However, I can tell you that the tablet with the MYLAN A4 marking contains 2mgs of Alprazolam, it is a generic for Xanax. Learn more Xanax details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## A pill bar that has xanax on one side and gg/2/4/9 on the other side, is this a xanax? ## Fake green bars going around in upstate sc. Too thin and too long. No taste and bluish color rather than green. Font is also very off. ## they are official 100% had them hundreds of times big round wagon wheels" lol love those #...

6 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have my script for 0.5mg of generic Xanax. The pharmacy I use currently does not have the Greenstone brand, and I have called other big chain pharmacies and also no Greenstone. The other brands I have used seem to have little potency. Does anyone know why the Greenstone is so hard to find? Thank you. ## Simply because it is most expensive, at this time. Whatever generic a pharmacy has in stock at any given time will vary, depending on what company was offering the cheapest price at the time they needed to restock their supply. It's how they keep their prices down for uninsured customers. In another month or two, you may find Greenstone in stock everywhere, if they lower their price or other companies raise theirs. Is there anything else I can help with? ## There are many Domestic ...

10 REPLIES Filed under Xanax


2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Trying to taper off xanax or get some in Chicago area. Any help? What doc will help me? ## From what I could gather, Dr. Zabrin Inan is a psychiatrist in Chicago, IL who seems to have a track record that many online reviewers describe as someone who is "pill happy". The phone number to her office is 773-752-6000. I would think someone like this should be able to prescribe you a comfortable amount to taper off with over several weeks time. None the less, if you suffer from anxiety and need a Benzodiazepine class medication (like Xanax), usually your best bet is to see a psychiatrist, rather than a regular medical doctor. Reason being is that they are better trained in the types of medications that handle these problems and many general physicians are reluctant to prescribe contro...

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have suffered from paralyzing fear and ulcerative colitis when I get very nervous. The ONLY thing that seems to help is Xanax and xanax xr. I need a prescription and I have yet to find a great doctor that takes my illness seriously and realizes I cannot function with severe stomach cramps and dirahhea. I have been to some psychiatrists and they say that they wasn't o wean me off the pills, but I know that I will not be able to function well or at all. Please let me know how to find a doctor that will help me and not judge me since I get VERY sick and have bloody diarrhea when so upset. Please please help me find a great doctor that does not judge me as I am so sick. ## Wow thanks for the replies. ## Hello, Ellie! How are you? I am very sorry that you didn't receive any respons...

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have been suffering from crowd anxiety and it's ruining my life. My old doctor houser haloed me a whole lot. I can't stand being around strangers, they give me anxiety and large crowds scare me. ## Hello, Smitty! How are you? If you require such a medication on a long-term ongoing basis, you'll need to see a pain management specialist. A regular PCP won't be able to prescribe it for you, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year. Have you ever consulted a psychiatrist regarding your issue? ## Ummm a psychiatrist will write you a legit rx easy peasy. Dr Sprabery off Kirby and Norfolk and you better have insurance or this doc is like 300-350 for the first visit and 90 after that. He always writes the script with 3 refills and at one point I was getting ...

13 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Help!!! I am an elderly lady who has been taking Xanax in what I thought were the smallest doses for insomnia and addiction. Now, I am aware that my habituation/addiction seems to have taken over my life. I have read a lot about titrating but hopefully need a buddy to help me through this. I don't know where to turn. My doctor said she would help me, but I don't know if she had any experience. I thought I might shift from Xanax to Valium but I have no idea how to do that! ## If you google benzos or such there is a doctor who recommended switching to valium and then tapering off that. However, most people today more currently would recommend just tapering off. offers a free online book also if you email them they will help you (very brief help but the book is grea...

10 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

i have social anxiexty panic attacks ## Hi triston, If you suffer from anxiety/depression and need a Benzodiazepine class medication (like Xanax), usually your best bet is to see a psychiatrist, rather than a regular medical doctor. Reason being is that they are better trained in the types of medications that handle these problems and many general physicians are reluctant to prescribe controlled substances due to abuse and the heavy regulations that they have to abide by from the government. If you do opt to see a regular medical doctor, some advice I can give you is to not specifically ask for any given medication right off the bat. Make sure to transfer or take a copy of all your medical records with you. Then, the best approach in my opinion is to discuss what has and hasn't work...

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I need to get my script filled with the g3722 instead of other generics. please it's the only medicine that helps me with my severe anxiety and my pharmacy didn't refill it for me because my insurance doesn't cover it. What should I do or where can I get it filled? ## How would any of us be able to get you a controlled substance?!?! I take 3 g3722's a day but i get mine from my doctor. Getting them off the streets is hard because sometimes you can find them sometimes not. And you go into horrible withdrawal symptoms. Get to a doctor an get them the right way and you will never run out. ## Dean is correct, these are only legal by prescription in the US, in addition, this site does not prescribe nor sell any medications, this is an information only website. The pills you a...

16 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Can I take Xanax to offset the side effects of Buspar? I only took 2.5 mg (yes, that's 2.5, not 25)twice a day for one day and had a number of bad side effects. That was Tuesday, today is Sunday and I still cannot sleep, am shaky, nervous and have a pressure headache. ## There are no interactions listed between the two medications, but you should double check this information to be safe. Learn more Buspar details here. Learn more Xanax details here. I'm sorry you are having so many side effects and I hope they ease off soon. Is this the first time you've taken Buspar? ## Verwon, yes this was the first time I've taken Buspar. I took .25 mg of Xanax Sunday morning and the nervousness subsided enough for me to finally get some sleep Sunday night. Thank you! ## Any excuse to...

4 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I am now into my 4th day off of suboxane. The side effects are getting better. I used .5mg xanax, sometimes I took up to four the first two days off of suboxane. By the end of this week, I feel I should be OK. I am Taking 3 , .5mg of xanax throughout the day and night at the moment. I want to begin to taper off xanax.. What can I expect for side effects from the w/drawl, how fast should I go so that I don't hurt myself. Somepeople seem to have no effects...I doubt I will be THAT lucky! Any suggestions? I DO NOT want to see a DR because I am afraid they will put me on something else. The DR is the one who started all this in the first place due to an arm injury 2yrs ago and oxycotin RX's. So you can see why I am a little leary of the people in the " white coats." I just w...

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Can anyone tell me if their are doctors online who will rescribe xanax? ## I am sure you could find one, if you looked hard enough, however, since Xanax contains the active ingredient Alprazolam and is a Benzodiazepine, it is a controlled substance in the U.S. and having it prescribed in such a manner would still be considered illegal. In the U.S. it requires a doctor's actual examination/office visit to have these types of substances prescribed. Benzodiazepines can cause some serious side effects and are known to be very habit forming. Are there any other comments or questions? ## Xanax is Alprazolam, GEZZZZZZZZZ

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Any way to get off subs after at least 15 years of being a slave to them? Don't get me wrong, being strung out on opiates or anything like that is much worse, but I'm pretty sick of relying on a f***ing pill to keep me well. I'd like to have another baby someday. What have I gotten myself into?? ## Hello, Red! How are you? Both of these medications usually require a very slow taper to successfully come off of them and prevent the worst of the withdrawal symptoms. The FDA lists some typical withdrawal symptoms as possibly including nausea, dizziness, rebound pain, rebound anxiety and diarrhea. You also have to be very careful not to stop the Xanax cold turkey, because that can create the risk of seizures. What has your doctor advised? What dosage do you take of each? ## I nee...

2 REPLIES Filed under Subutex

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