How Long Does 2 Mg Suboxone Last

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Today is my first day at IOT.. I had a head injury one year ago .. Was given extremely high doses of oxy for 5 weeks .. Which turned into a very bad habit .. I took about 60mg a day .. They just gave me 2mg subx my Mind has settled but still feel like a drank 3 pots of coffee on the inside .. Does subx make you feel totally normal ? Or just keep you from getting sick ? ## Hello, Krissy! How are you feeling? Have things improved, at all? The Suboxone should eventually make you feel normal, but it can take a couple of tries to get the right dosage. The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## ho...

2 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

Hello I have been on opiates for about 2 years now and I was given a half of a quarter of a subutex and this is my first time taking it. I was wanting to know when it wears off? I think it threw me into full detox because I took 20 mg of hydrocodone 7 hours before I took the sub. I am aware I have a problem I just want to know when the sub will wear off. Took it at 1:30 pm, it's now 9:30pm. ## It usually takes about 72 hours, before other opiates will be effective for you, again. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## That is not necessarily true. If it's the only one he has ever taken and in such a small do...

3 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I have been on oxytocin 80 mg, 4 a day and decided I would try suboxon for 5 days my life has been filled with energy and no pain, I have no more yet. I can pick up my 20mg oxycodone tomorrow, my last half of a 2mg sub was takin at 4am this morning, will I be able to take those and go back to my 80mg and oxytocintomorrow or should I wait? I have my 80 mg now any advice will help, please ## Hello, Jake! How are you? It usually takes about 72 hours (3 days) for other opiates to become effective again, after having taken Suboxone. The FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thats not true, I took Norco 12 hours after I took ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I started suboxone yesterday and took two Mgs. A few hours later o had to take two more ans then two more. How long should 2 mg last. ## Hello, Nichols! How are you? The amount required can vary from person to person, depending on how much they were taking of their addictive substance of choice. Usually the dosage is adjusted accordingly and taken once daily. How much has your doctor instructed you to take? The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. ## I'm been on 60 mg of plans for 2 years now and took 2 mg of Suboxone and still feel bad how long until I can feel a pill? ## Brooke, Excuse ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I took about 1/3 of a 8mg suboxone at around 9 this morning and it is around 4pm now and i am still feeling dizzy and naucious. Is this normal or did i take too little of a dose. ## The proper Suboxone dosage really depends on the drug you were taking and how much of it you were taking, so it can vary from person to person. Learn more Suboxone details here. What dosage have you been told to take by your doctor? You may have taken too low of a dose, but like I said, it depends on how much you were taking of the drug you were on. Did you wait until you were in full withdrawal before taking it? ## I just started sub's (1, 2mg) yesterday for oxy addiction. I slept well, woke up with no W/D symptoms. I feel very dizzy, normal ? Also, can I take a 5 mg valium as I have been using them for...

10 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

So I'm 30 years old. I have been taking various pain medications in very large doses for 15 years. I once ate 42 10/set hydro in one day. I was not worried about overdose on hydro, just acetaminophen. So I have a brain full of opiate receptors. From what I have read the longer and larger your tolerance well what happens is your brain builds more opiate receptors. So this is how high my tolerance is. I can take 36mg of Suboxone and the next morning at about noon take a couple hundred mg of morphine and feel full effects. So even though buprenorphine is so many times different in potency to morphine, the fact that it does not activate receptors but partially must play a major role in how Suboxone works with super highly tolerant patients. I believe my receptors saturation level may be...

4 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I have benn on generic suboxone for just over a month.I did feel better after about a week.That lasted for 2Weeks.Now 16 mgs.Split up over the day I get w/d symptoms and getting worse every day.Is it the generic giving me problems or this is the wAy it is? ## Hello, Chet! How are you doing? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. It could be that you require a dosage adjustment. Many people have reported this happening and have had to speak to their doctors about it. Have you informed your doctor of the problem, yet? The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## I have heard sev...

2 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

So I've been on Norco for back surgeries for about 10 years. Taking 4 10 mg three times a day. I decided I was done being a slave to this drug! Anyways, I have done the sub treatment before and was on it for two years and weaned off, went thru pure hell for weeks only to start taking Norco again. I took one of my 8 mg sub and cut them into 1 mg pieces. Took 2 mgs for two days then 1 mg next two. Felt pretty awesome no WD or cravings! I decided since I had gone 4 days and being so afraid of the sub building up in my system I would jump on day 5 altogether. Tomorrow morning at 8am will be 3 days clean. I feel a little sick but worked all day which surprised me but diahrea is horrid! Imodium isn't even helping that. How long should I be feeling these symptoms? My craving for norco ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I'm on 16 mg of Suboxone a day. How long does it take to step down. I don't go see my doctor for 2 more weeks and would like to know. ## Hey guys, just have a question I'm hoping someone can answer... I have been on Subs for approximately 9 months now. I started on 24mg/day and am now on 2mg/day. This last dr. visit, I felt I was ready to go down to 1mg a day, and so my dr prescribed me 30 2mg tabs. When I started getting down to 1 mg, I noticed I was feeling horrible and that my body was still having a hard time adjusting to only 1 mg a day. So, naturally I went back up to 2mg's a day and ran out early. Not wanting to call my dr and make an appt early, I decided to cold-turkey it for a few days, feeling that I would be okay...(bad idea). I was withdrawling from Subs for...

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

I took about 1/4 of a suboxone 8mg film at about 8:30 this morning. Of I take a 30mg roxy at 10:30 tonight, will I feel it or will it be a waisted. ## Yes, it will. You should give it at least 48 hrs after your last Sub. I know..I tried. I wasted 8 15 mg. oxys because I couldn't wait! Hope this helps! ## Other reports here on the account of personal experience suggest that one only needs to wait a minimum of 12-24 hours in order to feel effects from opiates after suboxone. My assumption is that these figures are probably based on how often you take suboxone and how much you typically take when you do take it. So all I'm reiterating here is that there's no specific waiting period that'll work for each and every individual. One should probably use their own best judgement ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

hi i have been on methadone treatment for couple months i was at 80 mg a day but brought myself down to 60 for a week and couldnt make it to clinic because of money and car problems the last day i went to clinic was sunday wed i was feeling little sick and got coulple subs from friend figured 72 hrs was long enough to wait to take it well lets say i was wrong and sent me into pre w/ds it was horrible welll thur i took 45 mg of roxy to take edge off now it is fri do u think it is safe to take the sub yet for the w/d without geting sent into pre w/ds ty for any responses ## To properly take Suboxone and avoid having it throw you into withdrawals, you already have to be in them, when you take it. Learn more Suboxone details here. Along with the Buprenorphine, it also contains Naloxone, whi...

8 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

Started sub 3 months ago today at 12mg. Started tapering 2 months ago. 4 weeks ago I was at 4mg. and have dropped 1 mg per week. Took my last 1mg this morning. Noticed people been asking about coming off this stuff. I,ll keep you all informed about how my jump feels. Not expecting anything for a few days because of the half life. Just to let you know I didn,t feel much bettween tapers until I got down to 1mg. and I gotta tell you that it was just about nothing. Not thinking jump will be too bad, maybe mild discomfort I hope. I know it,ll be nothing like past oxy wds. ## Day 4: Hasn,t been too bad yet. Except for the sleep thing whitch I HAVE been getting some kind of feels like about a med. alcohol hangover. Those subs are some weird s#it. I ain,t knocking them because they helped me ge...

5 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I took 4 mg of a D at 11:00 am and took my last Vicodin 5/325 at 5:00 pm. How long should I wait to take 2 mg of Suboxone tomorrow? I usually start feeling mild withdrawals at 4 am. Please help. ## There is no precise time frame that can be given, you have to be in full withdrawals from everything, before you can take it, otherwise the Naloxone in it can throw you into dangerous precipitated withdrawals. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Did your doctor provide any instructions?

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

I'm quiting Opana using Suboxone. I've gradually come down from Opana ER 40 mg to 10 mg over a period of 6 months, and am switching today to Suboxone film. Dr told me to wait 24 to 36 hrs before starting Subs (wait till I can't stand the withdrawals any longer). Normally on 10 mg Opana I start to feel withdrawals within 12 hrs, can't get comfortable in my skin, can't sleep, restless leg etc. Problem is I ran out of 10 mg yesterday so the single last Opana I took was an ER 40 mg. It's been 30 hrs and still no noticable withdrawals. I don't want to start the Suboxone until feeling the withdrawals as instructed cause I don't want the Subs to kick in and suddenly block the Opana causing worse withdrawals. How long should I wait? ## There is really no precise ...

14 REPLIES Filed under Opana

Been on suboxane for over 4 yrs to get off 30mgs of oxcodone! Subs have helped but I want off them but scared of the withdrawals! Need surgery and said I have to stop the subs to get surgery! Is there a easy way beside tapering slowly? ## No ## I broke my hand and was prescribed a strong opiate pain reliever. I have been on zubsolv for two years and recently tapered down from 12 mg to 6 mg. how long until the pain meds will work on my hand. I don't want to take risk of making myself sick or dependent but I'm in a lot of pain ## I just started Naltrexone 50 mg and I am very excited to start my new life of financial freedom. I took my last dose of oxy 15mg this am. How soon is it to start the naltrexone? Can I start with a small dose?

3 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

Hello everyone, I have been on Suboxone 8/2, twice a day for over 5 years. I want to get off it but I have major health compications. I've had major depression my whole life. My last psychiatrist put me on several other drugs for my depression. One of them is an amphetamine called Vyvanse. (70 mg.) I'm also on 4 mg of clonazepam, 200 mg. of pristiq and Dexilant for acid reflux. I have a history of a negative lipid profile. In addition, I have high blood pressure. I'm also 60 years old. I know that I should never stop anythin suddenly. I have been unable to find asome out of the physician to supervise the withdrawal from anything. I am really afraid that Suboxone withdrawal will trigger a heart attack or stroke because everytime I try to taper down, My heart starts pounding i...

3 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

No energy at all.think its all in my head.any advise. ## Hi Number 3! No, it's not in your head. That's one of the side effects of being off suboxone. It can last awhile, every one is different. How long were you on the suboxone for? Other than lack of energy, how are you feeling? ## New here. I have been on Subutex for 7 years. I am trying to get off. It has been 5 days since I had any and weaned before that. I STILL feel like my body is made of lead. I'm so close but can't handle this lack of energy and my legs hurt..... I'm so tempted to call the doctor for an appointment to get back on. Any suggestions? Thanks, ## im 45 days off subs. i jumped at taking 8 to 12 mgs a day & was on them for 5 yrs. my energy level is still pretty low but not as bad as it was. yo...

3 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I have been taking 60mg of Morphine daily for a year. This past week I took 3-4 8mg Dilaudids daily. Last night I went back to 60 mg Morphine. This morning I took 6mg of Suboxone and was in withdrawal 20 minutes later. I had to take a 1 mg Xanax and fell asleep. I am worried about tomorrow. I have no more Subs but I do have a 60mg Morphine. How long should I wait to take the Morphine? ## Go see a Doctor and stay on suboxone if you wish to turn your life around. You got sick on suboxone as you took it way too soon after taking morphine and put yourself into precipitated withdrawal. Combining opiates with xanax puts you at much higher risk of overdose and death. Get help please ## I took 4mg of sub at 9am will I still feel the opiate if I do it around 3 or 4 pm today?? ## @Kayla, Based on...

7 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

Hi, Just started on suboxone yesterday and had a couple questions.. Started abusing lortabs about 6 years ago after several failed surgeries... About a year ago, I switched to 30mg roxys..... in April I Did 28 days in rehab, stayed clean about a month before relapsing... About a month or two ago, I started doing the dreaded "H" because of the cost. Was doing about a point or two a day sometimes alone and sometimes I'd take a few roxys with it.. Anyway, did last of the H (a point) on Saturday (today is Wednesday) and 2 roxys on Monday.. Was able to get 5 - 8mg sub strips and took about 2.5 mgs of one strip last night around 6:00. Was soooo scared about precipitated withdrawals so I waited a full 25 hrs after last roxy before I took strip. It was definitely hell waiting it out...

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

I've been taking per 30's. (Not proud) I took 8 mg suboxone 2 days in a row last dose 31 hrs ago. Will I feel full effects off 100 mg methadone. I usually take that once a week. Don't want it to be a waste. ## Hi Jewel, Because everyone's individual wait period tends to vary based on a variety of different factors, I would encourage you to contact your prescribing doctor about this; especially since s/he should've voluntarily provided you with this information upon prescribing the methadone. Just to add though, my findings suggest that 72hrs seems to be a commonly agreed upon window of time for waiting in between taking suboxone and methadone, in order to feel its full effects. Many people in other related threads here have also reported only having to wait 48hrs. I ...

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

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