Harvoni 8 Weeks

29 Topics Found

I started Harvoni a little over 2 weeks ago. The only side effect I've noticed is fatigue. Fatigue and feeling confused at times and under motivated. The Harvoni is costing me $5/28 days.. good insurance and some help from Gilead. I have cirrhosis and had a walnut sized cancer removed from my liver. Fortunately no metastasis was found! Recovery from the surgery took 5 weeks. Indeed the surgery allowed some liver regeneration so I've got more liver than Is started with. The fatigue is troubling, I get tired during the day but energized during the evening and don't want to get up in the morning. If you have liver damage you shouldn't be paying $1000/pill. If you have HepC1a and don't have liver damage and can't get a break on the Harvoni cost, shame on the industry...

1 REPLY Filed under Harvoni

Hi, I'm on 8 weeks but worried I have less chance of a cure (have read Ion 3 study). Had viral load of about 250,000 prior to treatment, am treatment naive and fibroscan of 6.1 - and supposedly F0. But I have had HCV (from blood transfusion) for almost 35 years! Should I be taking 12 weeks? I'm in week 6 of treatment. Sides include dizziness (almost passing out a couple of times). Worried about not taking treatment long enough to cure me but would have to borrow money for extra 4 weeks. Plus, what are long term sides of Harvoni - who can tell. Thanks so much! ## Hello, Elizabeth! How are you? Many people do have great success rates being on it for 8 weeks. However, if you're concerned, you should speak to your prescriber about it, as they may also want to up to it to 12 week...

1 REPLY Filed under Harvoni

I started Harvoni about two weeks ago. I must admit I am very tired and get slight headaches- nothing I can't handle.. I am starting to feel better already - not sure if it's a placebo affect, but I feel blessed my Insurance approved me for the Harvoni treatment..I must be one of the lucky ones and not the experiencing the major side effects like what I've been reading in this forum. I hope when I am done with the Harvoni treatment - I will be cured of this horrible disease of the liver...Oh and my viral load was over 2 million with a stage 0-1 fibrosis. So, my Hep C disease was caught early on..If you have the opportunity to get treatment- it's one of the risks versus reward type thing and well worth the try and get cured. ## Hello, Sarah! Are you still doing well on Ha...

1 REPLY Filed under Harvoni

HEP C =tired..Harvoni = tired. approx. 6 weeks into my harvoni treatment and every day I NEED a afternoon nap of one to 2 hrs . Does anybody have to take naps on a daily basis ? ## Hello, Big D! How are you? Yes, as listed by the FDA, unusual tiredness can occur, when taking this medication. You may also experience headache, nausea, diarrhea and weakness. If it's very troublesome, you should speak to your doctor, they may have some ideas that could help. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have the same problem with me I sleep more ## Hi Big D, I am going in to my 4th week of Harvoni treatment and yes I have to take naps because being tired. ## I had all of those syptoms, tired, weakness, and being busy on the toilet,got almost used to it and changed my diet which consisted...

10 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

Hello, I am Hans (71 years). I live in Germany. I've been taking Harvoni for 6 weeks. I am happy that I have no problems and no side effects. I started with a viral load of 1.1 million. The fist blood test after 14 days had a reduction to 94 (!). In 2 days I shall see my doc again. I'm curious about the new result (I hope ZERO). Good luck to all. ## 10 more days to go with the harvoni.. Did have some side effects: Confusion, anxiety, insomnia and some hair loss... I'll be glad when it's over and hope I can get back to normal. Undetected at 4 weeks. ## I did really well on Harvoni tx too, Hans. I had to be on it for 24-wks., as I was at 4th stage liver failure. I've been virus-free for 2 years. My side effects on Harvoni, were mostly fatigue, got 3 or 4 headaches tota...

16 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

I am going crazy. I have never felt right on this. I was 24 weeks on Harvoni, and had been bedridden since then due to my liver, back issues, pain, headaches, chest discomfort, unable to swallow, see clearly, and have nausea constantly. ## Those can be typical side effects of this medication according to the FDA. You may also experience dizziness and stomach pain. Have you finished your course of treatment, yet? Are you on any other medications? ## Harvoni has also caused my immune system to go completely insane. I was healthier when I had hep c. Also, just because some people have good results from this drug (no side effects for instance) it is very bad logic to assume this to be true for all takers of the drug. More importantly, it does not mean it is a SAFE drug for all. I warn anyon...

3 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

I am tiered my legs are numb, and hurts to touch. My back lower right under arm pit r side all down to my back and hip to right leg. My ast and alt are the same as 5 Years ago. I run out of breathe and feel back pain and leggs unbearable nausea faint.thank you ## Hello, Leonor! How are you? Those are typical symptoms reported by those that have taken this medication and stopped it, when finishing their course of treatment. The FDA also lists them as being typical side effects and withdrawal effects. Things should improve in a few weeks, once your body adjusts. Are you on any other medications? ## Thank you, my hair is falling out as well and I my legs if I touch them hurt.

2 REPLIES Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

been on harvoni for 7 weeks side effects not to bad, got to keep a full stomach n that usually takes care of the nausea and all of my joints are feeling a lot better, feel like the tin man in wizard of oz when the girl oiled the tin mans joints, moving around more easily. seem to cope with problems a little better n have more energy, hope its not short lived ## Hello, Joe! How are you doing? I'm glad this medication is working well for you. Many people have reported good results with it and positive outcomes, so lets hope the same holds true for you. The FDA lists other possible side effects as including nausea, dizziness and headache. Is there anything else I can help with? ## i am on my 9th wk on harvoni n i was only 5wks on my last reply n now im on the 9th wk so i was wondering ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

I have just begun Harvoni, this will be my sixth day. After the third day I noticed a change in how I am tasting foods. They are more sweet and foods that have a fat content are more heavy and cloying. Has anyone else experienced things like this? ## After my husband finished the 8 weeks course of Harvoni, on May 20, 2015, he came down with a very bad cold. A lot of coughing. And at that point- he lost his sense of smell and sense of taste completely. He still can not taste or smell. ## That isn't listed as a typical side effect of Harvoni, as listed by the FDA, but it is something that most medications can cause, so it's really not surprising. They tend to cause dry mouth and that can really alter the flavor of some foods. Other side effects may possibly include diarrhea, heada...

5 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

Im halfway through a 12 week course and am exhausted for no reason.... I have only been sick twice from the drug but other than that a dull headache with sort of fogginess and extreme tiredness is really the only side effects for me... slightly upset in the stomach but I was before I started.... I was just reading that others felt tired too, well I hope it goes away soon... I thought I was just getting fat and lazy... hehe ## Everything you've listed can be normal side effects of this medication, according to the U.S. FDA. You may also experience stomach pain and diarrhea. They should go away, once you finish your course of treatment, but many people have reported that it sometimes takes a few months. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I started taking Harvoni 2 weeks ago. I...

2 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

Started 3 weeks ago. First 3 days I got tired... but was taking it at 7pm so it worked out great. No side effects at all now! Very happy and looking forward to my first doctor visit to see how much the viral load has dropped. Stay WELL hydrated...I drink at least 8 bottles of water each day and many say it helps. Best of luck to everyone! ## Hello Pop pop! How are you doing? Has there been any change? As to your fluid intake, please be careful, there is such a thing as too much! While many people think you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day, that should actually be your overall fluid intake, not just water, so it should include juices, coffee, sodas and etc....including the liquid in the foods you eat. I just wanted to add this as precautionary note, since taking in too much fluid h...

1 REPLY Filed under Harvoni

I have been on harvoni for two weeks. I still have a sharp pain in my right side under my rib. Why would I still have this pain? ## Hello, Kolleen! How are you? Well, it has only been two weeks, the medication does need time to work. It's also not a pain reliever, you may need to talk to your doctor about something you can take to alleviate that. The FDA classifies Harvoni as an antiviral and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, insomnia and weakness. The good news, however, is that this medication has worked successfully for many people. Is there anything else I can help with? ## It affects the gallbladder negatively ## bad rash on LH forearm since using horvoni also a friend on this med doctor told him this would not clear up a 30 ye...

4 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

anyone having problems after stopping harvoni? ## Hello, Kat! How are you? What type of symptoms are you experiencing? I'm not seeing anything about it causing withdrawal symptoms, but it is a relatively new drug. Its typical side effects, as listed by the FDA, may include nausea, diarrhea, headache and weakness. Withdrawal effects would usually be virtually opposite, so may include constipation, dizziness and drowsiness. How long were you on it? ## Hello, I also am having withdrawel feelings, I am constantly tired, I feel fatiqued, slight head ache, have a sick feeling in my stomach I completed the the Harvoni treatment, I pretty much had these same feelings on the Harvoni. I saw my doctor 2 weeks ago, he had me do some blood work, I go back this morning to see him, I hope he has s...

52 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

I finished 8 weeks of Harvoni on April 8 and labs said HCV is undetected. My question is has anyone heard of "post-Harvoni reduced immunity" I came down with a bad case of the flu and doc thinks Harvoni may have caused reduced immunity. Any insights? ## Hi Sam, I have yet to come across any specific details on post-Harvoni immunity. However, in order to reach an accurate conclusion one must also take into consideration some other things that can impact one's level of immune function, such as: environmental factors, diet, mental/emotional health, etc, during and after the time frame of treatment. Not sure if Harvoni is available in inj. form like similar medications are, but just as a side note - there was a study done by Rockefeller University, suggesting that the act of adm...

30 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

One pill a day, no side effects gone after 4 weeks. Insurance and a foundation paid for it all. Now I am working on healing my liver. I feel blessed. ## Alright Jane!!!! I am so happy for you! That's awesome!!! You didn't experience any side effects, at all? The FDA states that some people experience nausea, dizziness, headache and fatigue, even for awhile after finishing their course of treatment. It's amazing that you had no issues with it. ## No none at all. Some people without the disease that are my age have some of those symptoms and they are related to age. Wish you the best stay positive and take the pill the same time each day it helps.

2 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

Hi. I am on a 8 week Harvoni treatment with 10 days left until i finish the 8 weeks. After the first 28 days my virus was undetectable. My doctor told me that after i finish the last bottle if the virus does not return within 3 months then i am cured. I am wondering if any medications will effect it returning within the three months. I would like to start my testosterone after i am done with my 8 weeks of treatment if it will not interfere. Anyone have any knowledge on this? i have not found anything that will suggest it will effect it. ## Hello, Ian1! How are you? The best thing to do would be to check with your doctor. I've search, but not found any available information. However, I think a cure is a cure, so using something else afterwards, that is medically necessary, shouldn...

4 REPLIES Filed under Testosterone

I have been taking Harvoni for 6 weeks now I'm beginning to experience dizziness, I also take amlodipine 10 mg but space Meds as directed 4 hours after I've taken the Harvoni I've had other issues such as Large B Cell Lyphoma cancer its in remission basically just quiet. I have cysts in my left kidney, but the doc said it was safe enough to take Harvoni just wanted to know if anyone experiencing the dizziness & headaches & leg & foot muscle spasms & cramping in my feet & my knees. I'm about ready to stop treatment, what is recommended for the headaches & dizziness ? ## Hello, Ms Wendy! How are you? Actually, I'd be more suspicious of the Amlodipine first, it is known to cause more of the symptoms you're experiencing than the Harvoni. How l...

5 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

I have cirrosis and hep c. My doctor has put me on a 12 week course of Harvoni. I finish my treatment in 3 days and then am off for my blood test. The results of my first blood test show significant improvement. I read a lot of other people's experiences who have been on this treatment. A lot I've read say after there 1st blood test (4 weeks on treatment ) that they have already been cured. I'm feeling quite down that my results don't show this for me. While deciding my treatment, my doctor kept changing his mind of the length of time to be on treatment (12 weeks or 24 weeks).he decided on 12 weeks in the end. He's accidentally given me 1 extra repeat. My 12 weeks is up in a few days and I'm thinking of getting it, so I'll be on it for 16 weeks and not tell h...

11 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

Completed 8 weeks of Harvoni. Still having diahhrea (daily) and very tired 4 months later (sleep 10+ hours per night & get 1-2 hours nap during day). ## Unfortunately, many people do experience lingering effects for several months after completing their course of treatment with Harvoni, as reported by the FDA. Sometimes, the symptoms also include joint pain and muscle aches. Has there been any change, yet? Can anyone else that's taken Harvoni chime in? ## I am at about 9 weeks post treatment. I have had lingering GI issues, fatigue, muscle and joint aches! Will these symptoms ever go away? The joint and muscle pain is horrid. I react to Tylenol and ibuprophen in a terrible way, I am taking a narcotic for the pain and wonder if I will feel this way for the rest of my life. ## The...

5 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

I did 12 weeks of Harvoni and cleared the virus, finished treatment June 7th 2015. During treatment had some edema of feet and legs, it went away. Now 2 months later having edema of hands every morning upon waking. Anyone else reporting these symptoms ? Severe joint pain also. ## Hello, Kittykat! How are you feeling? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. However, you aren't the first person to have reported such a thing. It is unusual for a medication to keep causing side effects so long after finishing treatment, though, so it hasn't actually been definitively tied together, yet. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, headache and weakness. Have you consulted your doctor? It would be best to...

2 REPLIES Filed under Harvoni

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