Focalin High

8 Topics Found

Unless mistaken Focalin was removed due to liver damage. ## High mortality and morbidity, And liver necrosis had that sympathetic amines in that Rx had it removed long ago. Anyway, The new deal prodrug drugs, like patches with long active fomulas and more effective.You cannot inject them or swallow them after crushing a patch.. ## Hello, Kim! How are you? No, Focalin is still available in the U.S., it is now classified by the FDA as a schedule 2 drug, due to its abuse potential. Focalin contains the active ingredient Dexmethylphenidate, it is most commonly used to treat ADHD. Typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, nervousness and weight loss. Is there anything else I can help with?

2 REPLIES Filed under Focalin

Anyone have a child with history of cardiac problems taking this medication? ## To the mom with the cardiac child and the focalin question --- my child is a high school teen, always been low normal ADHD, but by high school the classes were so hard, the homework SO OVERWHELMING, the days SO LONG, he finally ASKED for some help. We took him in and he was put on focalin. He has had 3 cardiac surgeries. We recently took him in to Stanford hospital and just to be certain it was ok - asked AGAIN, and was re-assured that while it wasn't known for certain ALL THE REASONS it was 100% safe, it has been used for quite some time in patients with cardiac defects (my son's are quite severe) and with no difficulties. He's been on it for a year now with extremely great success. He uses it o...

3 REPLIES Filed under Focalin

my grandson has been on this medications and it has helped him so much. We in North Carolina and cannot get this meds what gives? There is no excuse for this shortage. ## Hello, Wanda! How are you? I'm sorry, but the FDA isn't currently listing a shortage for this medication. Who told you that there was one going on? ## There is a shortage of the generic form dexmethylphenidate I have not been able to get it since sept 2013. called express scripts mail order was told this. called my local pharmacy same thing. there is a shortage of ingredients to make it and FDA involved as well. I now have to pay for the higher name brand and will be like this in to march 2014 and maybe llobger ## Hi please see my post on the focalin Shortage there is A LOT of great information on there. ## kin...

4 REPLIES Filed under Focalin

I opened and crunched 24 focal xr 15mg capsules in about 14-16 hrs. I have a very high tolerance to any drug, and I'm a small female. I feel shaky but ok. Is that too much? Just a waste probably- the buzz didn't get better.... ## From what I could gather, Doses above 30 mg/day in pediatrics and 40 mg/day in adults have not been studied and are not recommended. There is also no body of evidence available from controlled trials to indicate how long the patient with ADHD should be treated with Focalin XR. So if you're using Focalin XR (Dexmethylphenidate Hydrochloride) in a recreational manner, I would still play it safe and definitely steer clear from taking so many capsules. Nervousness and anxiety are both common side effects of taking too much, which may have attributed to ...

1 REPLY Filed under Focalin

When on facolin xr 10mg, can you take suboxone film 8mg if you have withdrawals? Or can you take it together? I took 3 10mgs of focalin xr yesterday n couldnt sleep all night, i took 4 more today, still havent slept, was wondering if i took suboxone film if itll help me sleep or will it give somekind of high. ## Hello, Chambabe! How are you? Why did you take so much of the Focalin XR? This is a stimulant that carries the risk of being habit forming and it is well known to case side effects, such as insomnia, headache, irritability and weight loss. And no, since it is a stimulant and Suboxone is a narcotic, which is basically a downer, it is not safe to also take it, unless your doctor specifically instructs you to do so. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit ...

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

I crushed and insufflated 60 mg of focalin 2 weeks ago. Will it show up on a urine test now? ## Way too late to answer but, no, it will way out of your system by then. I've gone in for a urine drug test an hour after taking Focalin and the test came back clean so even if you just took some and dropped the same day I highly doubt you'd have anything to worry about.

1 REPLY Filed under Focalin

I may have found evidence that my 15yo girl is snorting her folacin xr, 20mgs. Is this even possible? How or rather why would she smash the luttle beads up? To snort them? What kind of high? Sincerely, Worried Mother ## That is very much possible. I'm prescribed 40 mg of focalin. Being a heaby drug user in the past i quickly looked it up, and snorting this drug is very much similar to speed, and usually gives a great euphoria. I used to snort it every day, and it made me feel great and speedy and all of that. So chances are, she's probably snorting her focalin like i did. ## Not a good idea and something that you need to disguss with her ASAP...They are time released; to help her throughought day. It will get into her system faster, (she's probably crushng the beads) but the...

44 REPLIES Filed under Focalin

It has been 82 hours since I took a oxycodone 10mg. Can someone please tell me I can pass my urine drug screen at the methadone clinic tomorrow morning! I'm hoping my high metabolism & weighing 95 pounds will help it get out of my system more? Also, I am now taking Focalin for my ADHD! What could that show up as? ## Daisy, It all depends on the testing protocol your specific clinic is using but there's been a recent push to use more sensitive testing especially when accepting Medicaid patients to eliminate Polly drug users ( using more then one abusable drug ) even when they have a legit. Rx for that med....

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

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