Concevel Tablet

2 Topics Found

I am taking Dronis 30 since 5 months. Doctor has adviced me to take MCBM and Concevel 3 months prior to concieve.. Should i stop Dronis 30 before i start MCBM and Concevel or can I take MCBM along with Dronis 30.. Thank you for the answer ## Dronis is an oral contraceptive that is used to prevent pregnancy, so if you're trying to rebalance your hormones to increase your chance of pregnancy, you are probably not supposed to take it, but only your doctor can give you a definitive answer. However, generally, you are supposed to stop them, at least 3 months, before becoming pregnant. Side effects to stopping them may include irregular periods, nausea, diarrhea and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with? ## thank you Doctor ## I am not a doctor! You need to speak to your do...

3 REPLIES Filed under Birth Control / Contraceptive

Difference between Conceva F and Concevel

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