
3 Topics Found

colestor ## Colestor contains the active ingredient Atorvastatin and is used to help lower cholesterol. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, abdominal pain and joint/muscle pain. Read more: Are there any questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Atorvastatin

I am 71, For first time in my life colestorel shoot up to 215 mg/dl else it has never gone beyound 185. Doctor prescribed Stator 10, i took a pill every night. I lost apatite do not feel to eat anything, 3 kg weight loss in 10 days, weakness. I am diabetic but under controlled taking Glynase since 1999, earlier the dose was 5mg XL-SR, now incresed twice regular instead XL-SR. Is my lost in apetite and weight due to Stator? Cholestorel has come down to 160. ## Hi, Bhupendra! How are you feeling? Yes, these cholesterol medications have been known to cause some problematic side effects in some people that take them. Learn more Stator details here. Have you talked to your doctor about it? You can probably try switching to a different medication. ## I am 60+ use stator10 . my cholestora is 2...

3 REPLIES Filed under Atorvastatin

for heart problems ## My doctor prescribed me the following tabs after a successfull ASD closure procedure: 1. Deplarr A 150 2. Actirom 3 3. Pan 40 What are the purposes of these tabs and side effects of these if any. ## I have the high colestorel, pressure and diabetic for last 20 years. now age at 70yrs. What medisicine i should take . I take daily Glizid-40,Losar-H, stamlo-2.5 and Tonact -10. ## I have the high colestorel, pressure and diabetic for last 5years. now age at 59. What medisicine i should take . I take daily OlmesarA,Metafort 1000, and Lipicure 5 mg.Nowadays I'm suffering heavy muscles pain.

3 REPLIES Filed under Diabetes

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