Big Cock Medicine

4 Topics Found

Hi, just wondered if it's safe to take alcohol with "pinamox caps 500mg amoxicillin".. I assumed it wasn't until I looked at the other medicine (a cough bottle) that I was prescribed by the same doctor.. It has ethanol (alcohol) in it. I finish big exams soon and have been looking forward to a cocktail party for ages.. If it's dangerous to take the course of tablets with alcohol then I'm considering not taking the tablets (three a day) for the day of the celebrations. Am I crazy? ## There are always dangers if you mix a medication with alcohol, however, the general reason you are warned about it withy Amoxicillin is because it can worsen the side effects. If you've been experiencing anything, like the dizziness, drowsiness and nausea, then the alcohol could m...

12 REPLIES Filed under Amoxicillin

can you have a few cocktails while taking this med? ## Sulfamethoxazole with Trimethoprim is an antibiotic used to treat various types of infections. For this class of medications, you are warned against the use of alcohol, because it can aggravate the side effects, such as: nausea, drowsiness and dizziness. This could cause you to become impaired much faster than usual, for instance, you may act as if you are completely drunk, after just 2 drinks, where as it may normally take you 4 or 5 to even feel tipsy. Are there any comments or questions? ## I had alcohol while on sulfameth/tmp and did not read warning label. Now I realize that is a big problem. How long does nausea etc. usually last?

2 REPLIES Filed under Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim, SMX-TMP

big pill ## Located a match it's Divalproex sodium ER 500 mg, which is for the treatment of the manic episodes of bipolar disorder. In rare cases, it is also used as a treatment for major depressive disorder, and increasingly taken long-term for prevention of both manic and depressive phases of bipolar disorder, especially the rapid-cycling variant. It is also used in the US for the treatment of epilepsy, chronic pain associated with neuropathy, and migraine headaches. To learn more click on the link below... Valproate_semisodium Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## I was given a prescription for this medication after a stroke. I was told it would help with the cockeyedness I feel every day (happened last week). Little nervous taking t...

2 REPLIES Filed under Divalproex Sodium

The Internet is flooded with horror stories about these arrogant, cocky, self absorbed pharmacists who think their s*** doesn’t stink as well as the pharmacy themselves. CVS and Walgreens have grown too big for their britches, but what I don’t understand is why people insist on flooding these stores every time they get a prescription? Insurance is insurance and there are tons of small pharmacies that will all go out of their way to cater to you a lot better than the name brands/chain brand outlets. So I ask again why do y'all keep going to a pharmacy that you hate? I think we should all have a national "go somewhere other than CVS or Walgreens" month! ## Well I'm on many medications and Walgreens not only has auto refill, but all my meds show up at my door ex...

31 REPLIES Filed under OxyContin

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