Adipessum Chinese Pills Where To Buy

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where can i buy at a wholesale price 10, 20 , 30 or more ??? ## I did a web search and brought up several places that are selling and claim to have discount or direct from manufacturer wholesale prices, so you may want to check that out. Adipessum is touted to be a Chinese miracle capsule, they claim it helps with weight loss. However, since this is a supplement and NOT a medication, there is no proof to these claims. The ingredients are: Actractylodes Rhizome, Oriental Water Plantain Rhizome, Artichoke, Kola Nut, Cyamposis Gum, Astragalus Root Extract, Cassia Seed, Lotus Lead and Alfalfa. Does anyone else know anything about this? ## Well I know people who used them and lost weigth fast, I noticed the difference right away, so in my recent trip to pr I got them for $60 and been using t...

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