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small white capsule with gold letters and numbers ## I found this white pill with red lettering on it that says 1mg on the upper part of the pill and on the lower part of the pill is an f inside a square box and the numbers 617 beside that what kind of pill is this? ## Astella Pharma lists this capsule as being a 1mg Prograf capsule, which contains the active ingredient Tacrolimus. It is an immunosuppressant. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, stomach pain, increased risk of infection, and digestive issues. Is there anything else I can help with?

2 REPLIES Filed under Prograf

i have a 9 year old daughter she take tenex1mg she has autism how doe it work with her ; what do i ask the doctor fro to help her control her temper;;the doctor put her on trodrone and clonidine ## How did it work out for her? My daughter is also Autistic, recently placed on Intuniv (Tenex) 1mg. ## Guanfacine is known to be cognitive enhancing, so it can help people think clearer and process information easier. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, chest pain, diarrhea, and headache. Is there anything else I can help with?

2 REPLIES Filed under Guanfacine

wat is the limit of trika dose per day ## Plz help me to get muself getting to leave Trik_1mg and alsomeed so,e fetails aboir ots ill effects ## Trika contains the active ingredient Alprazolam, this is a Benzodiazepine, used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 4mgs in 24 hours. Side effects are usually more prominent at higher dosages and may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. Donald, to stop taking it, this medication should be tapered slowly, to prevent the withdrawal effects and the possibility of seizures. Learn more: Are there any other comments or questions? ## i have been taking trika 1mg singthe oast 4 years which is causing irritabikity in the morning it is hampering my goordinatjon .ihave been orescribed for4 sl...

8 REPLIES Filed under Alprazolam

I HAV BEEN USING ALPHRAX 1 MG FOR LAST FEW MONTHS AS SLEEP PILL WITHOUT WHIC I AM UNABLE TO SLEEP KINDLY GUIDE ME TO COM OUT OF ADDICTION ## If I take 5 tablets of Alprax 0.25mg at a time is there any side effects are health issues?? ## I want to give a Dengue patient a dose of Alprax just to relieve his insomnia symptoms. Can I give him Alprax without worrying about it affecting his blood platelet count?


little white pill persribed for nerves ## I am taking a half of a 1 mg Ativan pill for sleeping. Can this small amount become addictive? ## Ativan contains the active ingredient Lorazepam, this is a Benzodiazepine and these can be highly addictive. However, if you are using it as prescribed, then what you are really going to have to deal with is dependence, rather than addiction. Dependence occurs when your body becomes used to and reliant upon some substance. This can happen with anything you ingest regularly, even a routine morning cup of orange juice. If you stop ingesting it, suddenly, they you will experience some withdrawal symptoms, but nothing as severe as if you were abusing the medication. Some of this medications most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness...

5 REPLIES Filed under Ativan

how to use Metformin and glimer , whether before meals or after meals. pl advise ## Glimepiride and Metformin are both oral antidiabetic medications and these tablets do take 15 to 20 minutes to start working, once you take them, therefore, ideally to get the most benefit from them, they should be taken just before a meal. That way, once you are done with your meal, they have already had a chance to start working to help lower your blood sugar. They share several side effects in common, so you may experience: nausea, diarrhea, low blood sugar and headache. More details: Is there anything else I can help with? ## take vomistop tds azithro 250 bd alprex od and omesec od and stop taking tramadol ## pls give information on Diabetic treatment. ## im diabetic.i take glimer2 before breackfast ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

what is teuex 1 mg #30 use for ## Did you mean Tenex? If so, it contains the active ingredient Guanfacine, it is commonly given to treat high blood pressure, but is also helpful at treating conditions such as ADHD and Anxiety. The #30 just refers to the number of tablets that are to be dispensed. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Tenex

pill yellow imprint 196 ## i have been put on 1 mg Xanax per day recently inlast 20 days for anxiety,seems to be working. if i take a whole pill i cannot wake up very easy so i have started taking half a pill which is usually around 10 pm at night. I still am having a hard time waking up and staying focused on my job. Any advice on how to avoid the hang over in the morning? ## CAN U PLEASE SEND ME A WEBSITE THAT SENDS THE REAL PRODUCT? LEGITIMATE ALPROZOLAM OR XAXAX? PLEASE

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Let me know the side effects and as well as good effects if I use this Pill as suggested my Doctor himself. ## Sizodon is listed as containing the active ingredient Risperidone, which is an atypical antipsychotic that's used to treat various mental health conditions. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, sedation and weight gain. Learn more Sizodon details here. Why has your doctor recommended it? ## hi, my husband take the medicine sizidon 3mg more than 5 years. but in few days he take sizidon 1mg. is it safe I am worried about him.please advice

2 REPLIES Filed under Risperidone

SQUARE LIGHT YELLOW 1 ON ONESIDE X ON OTHER SIDE ## Check out the page for Xanax XR. Just run a search for Xanax XR or you can pull it up at ## Yes, Pfizer does list this tablet as being a 1mg Xanax XR tablet, which contains the active ingredient Alprazolam. It is most commonly used to anxiety, and nervous disorders. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability. The inactive ingredients may include: lactose magnesium stearate silicon dioxide hypromelloses D&C Yellow No. 10 Although, they can vary depending on the manufacturing facility. Is there anything else I can help with?

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

is zapiz 1mg sleeping tab ## Zapiz contains the active ingredient Clonazepam, this is a Benzodiazepine, it is most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders, but can help with insomnia, as well. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. Read more: As to the side effects and other information, I am sorry, but finding information on this medication is very difficult. Here are some links, however, to the ingredients that make up this medication, so you may find some helpful information here: Ambroxol: and Theophylline: Do you have any questions? ## im 29 years old and nw im pregnant regularly i take zapiz 1 mg fr my anxiety and mainly sleeping problems i want to leave it bt its nt possible fr me plz doctr tel me its hw much harmful fr my bab...

3 REPLIES Filed under Clonazepam

For what purpose aspazine 1 mg tablet is used ## Espazine contains the active ingredient Trifluoperazine, which is an antipsychotic medication that is most commonly used to treat schizophrenia. Side effects may include: nausea, headache, somnolence and blurred vision. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## at what conditions we can taper the medicine espazine 1mg at present iam using medicines licab-450mg morning 1tab and night 1tab, night espazine 1mg -2tab. iam also using sugar tab glycor -40mg in the morning, afternoon-glyciphage-500mg night-glyciphage-1000mg. iam using licab tablets since 20 years. my age is at present 46 years.

2 REPLIES Filed under Trifluoperazine

Is this yellow R34 clonazepam any stronger than the blue 1mg clonazepam? Because i noticed that the R is on alot of Alorazepam (xanax) which might be the manufacturer but i know for a fact that the yellow 2mg xanax bars have the symbol on them and they disorient me for literally 2 days... Jw ## I have never had any yellow bars, just white and green, all 2 mg. As far as yellow vs blue clonazepam 1 mg, they are just different colors, different manufactures. ## Are the 1mg klonopins approximately equal that of a 1mg Xanax? ## @Serafin5 (post #3), From what I could gather, Clonazepam (klonopin) is reported to be roughly equivalent in strength to Alprazolam (xanax). However some information I'm finding suggests that the medications may differ in so far as how quickly they reach their ful...

3 REPLIES Filed under Klonopin

This pill is a 1mg round tablet in a pinkish hue with a capital C printed on one side.. I put these pills into the same bottle as Citalopram 20mg tabs. and now its been months and i cannot recall what this drug was... please help ## It only has a C printed on it? If that is the case, it could be hard to narrow down, there are several over the counter items on the market with a C on them. Was it perhaps a vitamin C tablet?

1 REPLY Filed under Citalopram

white round RX 775 or 773 on one side ## Based on the description provided, I found your pill to be Lorazepam (1 mg). The marking on the pill is RX 773. Lorazepam has relatively potent anxiolytic effects and its best known indication is the short-term management of severe chronic anxiety. For more information about this drug, please refer to the link below... If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you. ## need to see a pic of an lorazepam 1 mg mfg watson number 241/1? ## I am a stage 4 cancer patient. My doc has me on several different pain meds. Last night my husband was in a rage and and broke and scattered all my pills. I can not figure out what on of the small pills is. It is yellow with 928 on one side and GG on the other. Any help ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Lorazepam

I have some blue 1 mg alprazolam, generic for Xanax, pills that have the R031 on them. I would like to know if they are time release or if I took them with my regular 2 mg brand-name Xanax bars, with the Xanax on one side and the 2 on the other, if I would get the same effect or if the blue ones are time or extended release and would not work the same? ## Hello, Tom! How are you? These tablets are manufactured by Actavis and they list them as containing 1mg of Aloprazolam in a regular release formulation. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. You should not exceed the dosage you have been prescribed. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Is there a pill that look...

5 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

maximum duration of taking heraclene, how many times in a day.. ## You should follow your physician's prescribing instructions. ## Per the manufacturer, they recommend '3 capsules daily or as prescribed by the physician' for adults [1]. Like Verwon said though, it is recommended to follow the doctor's instructions with this or any other medication. Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... References: [1] ## how many times my sons take heraclene? ages 8 & 11 yrs.old. weight 20 kls & 27 kls. ## i have a 6yrs old daughter. she b0rn premature. she cant walk , and even talk, is heraclene 1mg safe for her.shes so thin .. ## I have an 8-year old son, how many capsule a day is recommended for his age? ## Pd ko bang painumin ng...


little white pill ## excellent for getting rest. had hard time staying asleep. got it for insomnia. It is the best. ## If you would like to read more detailed information about this drug you can see the page for Lorazepam Details. I hope this helps everyone! ## Will 2mg of lorazepam make me sleepy?

3 REPLIES Filed under Lorazepam

This has been prescribed for my husband to sleep. What are the side effects of this medication? ## Risperlet contains the active ingredient Risperidone, which is a very potent antipsychotic medication and it may cause some severe side effects, such as nausea, severe drowsiness and extreme somnolence. Learn more: Are there any other comments or questions? ## What is the difference between Risperlet and Risperdal tablets? ## Does Risperlet help reduce cravings and other drug withdrawal symptoms? The person in detox is Bipolar and ADHD. Taking Epilin and Concerta as well.

3 REPLIES Filed under Risperidone

Is it advisable to take eltroxin same time with ferrous forte, or should there be a gap of an hour or so between the tablets. i am taking eltroxin 0.1mg, and i was found resently to have low iron and my doctor prescribed ferrous forte. my concern is to benefit from both medication and do not have one preventing the other from doing its work in me. please help. ## Actually, the Iron can cause less absorption of the Levothyroxine, so they should be taken 4 hours apart and your doctor should check your hormone levels regularly, while you are under treatment. Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Levothyroxine

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