Why Do My Drug Screens Keep Coming Back Negative For My Prescription Of Alprazolam? (Top voted first)


I have been taking alprazolam 1mg tablet three times a day for a year and currently my urine drug screen my blood work and mouth swab have all tested negative for my alprazolam. I take a variety of different meds and i have always taken my meds. What could possibly be causing this? It doesnt make any sense. Now my dr refuses to see me but i have always taken them. Please help.

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That's one Ive never encountered. Please let.me know when you do find.out that's crazy.

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I have thc im my system need to pass a ua im prescribed xanaxs im curious if i crudh on up in clean pee will it show

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Man I feel you I've been on kpins for years it's never showed up ever but if I take a Xanax it sticks like glue I dunno what's wrong with us

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You have a high metabolism. It happens to me all the time. Do you drink a lot of Gatorade?

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Can someone please help answer a question.. my friend gave me their urine for my drug test.. because my last doctor told me to start smoking pot for several different reasons .. & my health insurance won't pay for my suboxone with the weed in it! Anyway here's the question my friend gave me urine & he put it in an empty klonopin bottle .. is that urine now going to show positive for klonopin? I'm prescribed that also, but I don't know if residue from the empty bottle of klonopin will show up on my drug test? & if so does anyone know what kind of levels that will show . Will it show a high amount ? Or won't it show up at all! Please I need help ASAP! & thank u in advance !

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Best advice. Call the lab ask for a toxicologist to review your results and explain to you why the false negative. The lab should contact the doctor and explain the reasons for the false negatives. There are many drugs that will give a false negative, because of the way they are metabolized. The antibodies in the test vs the metabolites are too weak for the drug to adhere to. If the Creatinine comes back low, that will constitute the urine was too dilute if you drink a lot of water or fluids in general before the test. That can cause a false negative. Go online and Google. False Negative results and drug screens. You will get a very thorough explanation by professionals in the industry, many who have written peer reviewed journals on this subject because these results are so prevalent and cause so many probkems and much confusion. Taje your evidence to your bonehead doctor and present the facts along with an explanation from the lab. There may be contamination, old testing strips and other things involved. You can always request to have a blood test or a quantitative test done which are more specific. Bottom line, do your research, get backing and support from the lab and don't give up. Good luck!!!

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