Suboxone Not Showing Up In Drug Screen
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I am taking 8mg of buprenorphine a day but the doctor tested me for it this week and said it did not show up. He then did a dip strip that is supposed to be 99.9% effective but it did not show up on there. Now he is sending the test out to a lab. is there any possible reason it would not show up? I suspect I have a UTI or yeast infection could that make it not show up? I am afraid they are going to kick me out of the program and need to know if there is any medical reason it would not show up. He is kind of old and sometimes confused so I do not really trust him to research possible reasons and would like to be able to show him something about why this might happen.

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I've been on Suboxone film for a few years, I take it as prescribed every single day. I went to my monthly appt this past Friday where my Dr tells me my previous month's drug test didn't show my Suboxone? I said that I'd like for my sample to be sent out bcuz this is impossible, but I was told it was too late for that due to it being the previous month's test. I was then told I have to come in every 2 weeks to be seen. I was like ok fine, that's an inconvenience but fine I'll do it. However I would like to know how this could happen when I knew for certain I take my medication every single day as I'm supposed to? My Dr tells me that their policy is that I come every 2 weeks and left it at that, I felt shut down. So what other options do I have? I've been trying to research all weekend on the Internet for some kind of explanation to this occurring. It's bothersome to me bcuz I know I'm taking my medication as prescribed and the Drs office saying this makes me feel like I'm being accused of being dishonest! I'm definitely not. If anyone at all can tell me how this could occur I would be very interested in knowing how?? If I wasn't taking my medication as prescribed, I wouldn't be here trust me. I just need some kind of explanation and I guess my Drs office isn't gonna give me an explanation! Plz help!

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I take my suboxone religiously & the drs. saying I'm showing none in my system... Its impossible.. I take it cause I need it & now I'm afraid I'm gonna get booted... What's going on? Any ideas?

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They say there is no reason but i kinda doubt it its happened to me twice with the generic brand im think i g they are definately weaker and not made the same

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I'm on 24 mg suboxone a day. I refill and urine test this Thursday. (It is Sunday now) starting tomorrow I will be only taking 8 mg daily til Thursday. So that's mon, tues, weds and appointment day at one 8 mg strip a day rather than 3 daily I am prescribed. Sent to lab, will it show levels/amounts in my urine or just a positive urine test?? Thanks

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Is there any way possible to make a suboxone look like its went through my system and putting it in clean urine? I relapsed and my doc will absolutely not give me my script if i tell him the truth or drop dirty on my drug screen. please help

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This happened to me twice, once it was accurate b/c I was still getting high, but it said negative for subs another time & it was wrong. My Dr said it went to the lab, the test is accurate. I demanded a retest & it came back positive. No matter what they say those tests are inaccurate sometimes. I take 20 MG's daily now & don't miss a day. There's NO way I could test negative & the Dr basically called me a liar. But subs are better than methadone. & heroin.

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No one knows how hard addiction is, and no one knows how crappy Suboxone is if you have pre existing anxiety etc. it sucks bad. It makes you more anxious and if you think we are going to get off Suboxone without withdrawals HA! I tapered to .25 mg and still had them. I tapered off using 5 mg oxycodone for a couple days and finally I am drug free. People shouldn't judge until they've been there.

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This happened to my dog, and I think the problem was that he doesn't take it as directed. He iv's it, and for three days before the test he was complaining that was missing his shots and was still sick. Then he took the test and it was negative. I didn't believe when he was screaming for days that he was sick because seriously he did like 3 sub's. And he's a liar in general.

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This happened today to me. I have been taking suboxones 5 years. At my appt today...The counselor told me...that last month showed that I have no suboxone in my system. I said no way...the test is wrong, I take my suboxones exactly as prescribed. He said just tell the doc you ran out...I said No I am not lying I know I took them. Well they said the test is accurate. So I got only have my script and had to test today. I am so scared. Do i have rights...plz help

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After reading post after post about whether or not you can add subs to clean urine, it works!!!! I just walked out my dr's office with my script after taking my buddies pee, wrapping it under my nuts, mixing 1/8th of a sub film, mixing it around until dissolved, and thats it!!

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I think they just were not looking closely enough at the test. The next month it was the same lab tech and the same result. She went back tot the lab to call and get the results of the test they had sent out the month before, but the doctor seemed to hurry me up and get my money (I am self pay) and give me the scrip and send me on my way. The next month there was a different lab tech there. The doctor looked at the test and said "no Bup is showing up again" he handed it to lab tech, who said "No it is positive for bup, look" and the doctor looked at it and said "Good". Then he told me he was glad it showed up or we would have to do something. I told him I have never not taken it so something had to be wrong, etc etc but I too am glad it showed up. This month it was that same lab tech who said I was good it showed up. Who knows they are all so busy and .the next time they say it is not showing up I am going to ask to look at the cup myself. I actually bought a test cup to try at home and the line for the bup was not a clear positive, but was definitely not negative either. It was kind of faint so I think maybe it just does not react really strong on those cups for some reason, who know. All I know is that it is easier to get illegal drugs than it is to get the stuff to keep you off drugs. SOmething is wrong with that. Good Luck

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I just had the same situation. My dr told me my urine did not show sub when I take mine daily without fail. He was yelling and everything! Im so confused. Scared to drive another 2hours there when I have to go back next month if the same thing happens he will dismiss me. He is old and seems too busy or confused to remember half the stuff he has told me in the past. For about 6months he didnt even give me a urine test but still charged it to my insurance. Isn't that nice? What ended up happening with you? Did u find anything out?

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