Should 50mg Vyvanse Capsules Be Full Or Half (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Some of my capsules are filled all the way some are filled just a little and some are just half of the way which is the proper amount?

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Okay to everyone freaking out...the vyvanse contains THE SAME AMOUNT of medication, regardless of whether the powder has become compressed (due to shipping), or whether it is fluffy. Roll the pill around on a table using a spoon for a minute and you will find that the nub inside turns into powder. Sometimes the capsules contain an extremely fluffy powder, which overflows when you open the capsule. Other times, you will find an eraser-like nub. You can tell whether the capsule contains one by shaking it. It will make a little clicking noise. I can assure you all that no one is tampering with your medication. When it's humid especially, you will find powder. When it's cool and if the capsules have been transported a lot (gravity compresses the contents of the pill), you will find the pellet. It's science, folks. If you weigh a pill containing the powder versus a pill containing the nub, they weigh the exact same.

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Also just a note to everyone saying they work well on some days and not others...this is true with any type of ADD medication. The potency and efficiency of the medication depends on many things, such as the pH level in your stomach (you want alkaline, not acidic, so drinking orange juice, taking vitamin C or eating fruit with your medication can decrease its effects; taking with coffee can mess with it too), how many hours of sleep you are getting, general nutrition, magnesium levels, and more. I have been prescribed almost every type of ADD medication there is, and there are ALWAYS inconsistencies regardless of the brand. Vyvanse powder can become COMPACTED. And I assure you that every capsule works the same. If you all want to continue "eyeballing" the capsules and assuming they have different amounts, then fine. That does not prove your case. Get a little scale, or find a friend that has one and WEIGH the capsules, and you will find that they all weigh THE SAME. If you tell yourself that something looks funny, this pill probably won't work today, it has less medication in it, then you will experience a placebo effect in which you do not feel the effects of the medication as strongly. It has been proven time and time again that state of mind matters, both in clinical trials and experiments across the world. These companies, while having issues of their own, must comply with specific government requirements and put the same amount of medication in each capsule. The only thing the producers of Vyvanse are doing wrong is monopolizing the market by increasing the price for their drugs, since they still have a patent on the formula. When that patent runs out (and it will soon), the price for Vyvanse will drop dramatically and generic brand will emerge. So there is hope. If you do suspect signs of tampering, simply go to another pharmacy. You can attempt to call and contact the producers, but if someone is indeed tampering with the medication (which I can assure you, thousands of people ask the same question about Vyvanse capsules and thet are not all tampering cases, it is simply a result of the condensed vs condensed powder issue), the best thing for you to do is go to another pharmacy. Think of the powder in the capsules as flour. It remains light and fluffy until it is packed down. Once it is packed down, it stays that way until physically moved or shaken. This is exactly what happens to the capsules of Vyvanse. The powder is so light and fluffy that it becomes compacted at times, but it will return to its normal state if crushed or rolled under a spoon. It's the same exact amount, formula, and mixture.

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