Prednisone 20mg Two Every Day (Top voted first)


My bottle just says take two by mouth every day does this mean I take them both together at once or twice a day?

2 Replies

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Hi Ashley,

Usually when dosing instructions note that you should take two pills daily, it is either referring to 1 pill every twelve hours or both pills in one sitting. I'm surprised that it doesn't actually clarify this on the packaging label though.

In either case, from what I've researched, most of the dosing guidelines for Prednisone are "1 pill orally every 12 hours", depending on what condition you're using it for. I would however recommend confirming this with your doctor, since every case is different.

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Prednisone Details

I hope this info helps!

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I was given Prednisone 20mg take 3 tables by mouth once a day for 4 days, Do I take the 3 at one time or spread them out.

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