Muscle/nerve Ache With Eliquis And Niacin Or Statin (Page 3)
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Since starting Eliquis, I have felt much stiffer and sore in the mornings and during the day with muscle tightness in my neck and back affecting my upper arms. A general sense of early aging that is unpleasant. Anyone else with these symptoms?

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Re: MB (# 158) Expand Referenced Message

My brother is taking eliquis. His feet are freezing, all the time. One docyor told him it was bad arteries and to do nothing about them. He has aged so much. His neck, shoulders and arms hurt really bad. He is very weak. At one point this summer, his arms felt numb below the elbows. He has a body wide burning under his skin that is debilitating. Does anyone else have that burning feeling?

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I switched to Coumadin from Eliquis in August of 2017. All I can say is that all the previous symptoms I experienced with Eliquis are GONE. Coumadin is not perfect, but for me, Eliquis was a DISASTER. No more neck and shoulder tightness and pain, no balance problems, I can once again run on my treadmill like the old days for one hour, and the leg weakness is gone. When on Eliquis, I could barely get on the treadmill. And also the brain fog I was experiencing is gone. Coumadin may make a little tired at times, but not serious.

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Yes,my muscles are weakjpbb i6. and bones seem to hurt and have less balance

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Re: Ethel (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. It took about 21 days. I did a detox anti inflammatory diet ( minimal sugar and gluten) and drank lots of water. It worked!!!!!

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Re: MAD MATT (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

I just wanted to let you know that not everyone does well on condominium either. The nurses were never able to get my blood regulated over a 9 month period. My hair fell out horribly so much so that one could see my scalp in many places, and the bottom half of my fingernails fell off. How does a woman live with that? But Eliquis is killing me, too. I aches so bad sometimes I cry. Any answers?

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This is MAD MATT again. All I can say is that Eliquis almost put me totally out of commission. Muscle weakness and pain, and tightness in my neck and shoulders. I felt like I had aged 20+ years. At age 77, this is awful. It also messed up my brain. So I demanded a switch to the old standby, Coumadin. I have been on it for 2 months, and almost totally back to normal. As I have for 40 years, I run on the treadmill for at least 4 miles, and can go much more. My comeback was a little slow, but noticed lots of improvement in the first two weeks. SO BE PATIENT if you decide to switch. Eliquis seems to hit us older folks who are very active hard. Just my opinion here. DO NOT LET YOUR DOCTOR TRY TO TELL YOU THIS IS IN YOUR HEAD. THEY ARE DEAD WRONG. Yes, Coumadin requires blood tests, but this is well worth it in getting your life back. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!!

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Re: January (# 159) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I too have my life back after getting off Eliquis 2 months ago. As I said before, it made me feel like I aged 20 years, and my neck and shoulders were stiff and painful at times, and legs felt like dead weight. Switched to Coumadin, and while it took a little timie, I can now run forever on my treadmill. Little or no muscle pain. So everyone must be aware that these NEW blood thinners are bad news for a lot of folks. And most doctors do not have a clue. Report these incidents to FDA on the MedWatch form, because almost all doctors WILL NOT REPORT THESE BAD SIDE EFFECTS. TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH!!!

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Re: MB (# 158) Expand Referenced Message

That is exactly how I felt. My feet even my toe joints it was horrible I dreaded stairs etc. I am fit always have been weigh 135 and strong but that drug crippled me. I said in my earlier post, I went off on august1 as scheduled. Did a detox anti inflammatory food no sugars and g
No gluten. Drank at least 64 oz water. Took three weeks. I am normal. Ran down stairs today just to do it cuz I could again!!!!! Good luck to you and maybe my experience will help you.

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WOW! I'm only 45 and I've taken cumadin for 16 years. This year I switched to Eliquis. As many people have described, I feel like my feet have aged 30 years. It has been awful. I started to realize it progressed so quickly since about when I started this med. I am going to have to do something for my feet. I just started wondering if anyone else has had any problem like this. I have to make myself walk in the morning. Everything points to planter fascilitis. That may just be it, but why so crippling so fast? I will also talk to my doctor. Thank you for sharing your experiences!!!

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I was taking Eliquis for six months and had no problem until about three weeks before I went off it experiencing terrible joint pain. I went off the Eliquis as scheduled on August 1st. It took an additional three weeks to get it out of my system. I drink water and more water and more water and I'm finally back to normal. No joint pain. I can jump out of bed in the morning. I can walk. I can do all my things, so I know for a fact it was the Eliquis in my system.

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Have terrible pain. Muscle soreness, nerve pain, weakness. Had back surgery yr. ago and fibro for years. Had irregular heart beat put on Metoprolol. Had blood clot after surgery. Put on Eliquis. Have been worse since put on these two medications. Are they the culprit? I don't know and wonder if anybody does. The doctor gives us meds to make us better but do they really?

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Re: virginia (# 154) Expand Referenced Message

You are right since taking this I have the same problem but just watch out for pink or different colour in your urine and report to your doctor this can be serious .

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I have been on Eliquis since Aprtil, PAin in lower back and neck.going to physivcal therapy.but may be the e liquis. Also very weird smell in Urine and bowels and I know tat is the eliquis.any help out there.

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Re: Wade (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

So, then getting more electrolyte s and potassium would help or not, do you think? If it is not metabolizing? Suddenly feeling my parents age! Really discouraging, and pain is sleep depriving.

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I don't know Stef but I am doing the same thing and have been for a few years and the cramps/spasms are gradually getting to be an every night all night thing that is wearing me totally out, I do not take Eloquis or Statins. I have had Levaquin in the past that caused the same symptoms and there is a black box warning that it and it's family of antibiotics can cause permanent tendon damage.
I went to a Neurosurgeon who did an MRI and it said that I have a buldging disc and spinal stenosis in my lower back and the stenosis in two more areas also. From the pain I would say middle and neck area. His nurse asked if I would like to schedule steroid shots in my spine to alleviate some of the pain. I said no, I
will forego those. I am allergic to corn and the allergy gets quickly worse all the time, and I'm fearful of getting corn in the glucose they use. I could die from anaphylaxis while they have me sedated for the shots. I have had two surgeries before for bulging disc and stenosis in my low spine. I have read that spinal stenosis can cause leg cramps. Mine was nothing like this before. I have to have some relief. Both my legs go into spasms at the same time most nights, and that includes the entire leg, front and back from hips to toes. Sometimes my hands and even my ribcage spasm and cram. If surgery will give me relief, I will have another one. But I do not want to have one and wake up to the spasms still. So I am trying to rule things out first.
I hope you find out the cause of yours soon. If you do, please post here. Thanks, Bren.

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I visit the dentist every 4 months just for check up and usual polishing. I had spoken to him about bleeding gums and he gave teeth the scaling and told me not to be afraid of any bleeding while brushing.

When I went abroad in July/Aug I only used bottled water to rinse simply because I go from a very soft water area to one that's full of minerals, but this time my teeth were hurting like hell, and when I came back home, decided to use good toothpaste and Corsodyl mouthwash. The mouthwash takes your taste for food away so I have been using it just at night so perhaps it would be better to use it at least twice a day.

Last night had frequency of urine and to say tested it with urine sticks shows a good bit of blood in it but told this is a side effect of Eliquis. So many problems with this drug and I ache all over have not had blood work done for just over a year, so I will contact the surgeon to remind them that it's time, and once I get results I will post it on this site.

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WhaT did your dentist say? All my teeth ache terribly at times now on eliquis. Along with entire body especially if I do anything more than walk and breathe!! Is there any dental concern other than pain?? Thank you! This has been going on for a yr and a half! Since eliquis.

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Hi. I always keep up to date with this website, and I can tell you it's NOT in your head. This problem is very real.

I started on this over 2 years ago and wish I never had. I do suffer from Spinal Stenosis and this makes you think it's all related to the spinal problem however I started to develop pins and needles at the fingertips as though I burnt myself or after getting my husband to look at finger tips because I had convinced myself that there were bits of metal in them this went on and on. So now symptoms are burning in feet toes and tips of fingers.

BUT now for something much worse as if that's not enough I attend dentist every 4 months on a dental plan and my gums are so sore the only reason I can find is this Eliquis has caused the problem something else to add to the list. A drug that has no antidote and causes such problems well that tells you something does it not?

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I am having a lot of pins and needles in my feet legs and fingers recently and am wondering whether it could be the Apixaban. Does anyone else have this. I'm a bit paranoid that I may have MS.

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I'm checking out the effects of Eliquis on cell wall permeability. I woke up at 3 a.m. thinking I had an aneurism or hernia or the return of my cancer, all the diagnostics came up negative for those. We raced to the hospital. After almost six hours in the ER, blood work and CT scan, the doctor told us that the only thing left as the causate of the extreme pain in my groin was musculo-skeletal issues, which developed after about 2 weeks on Eliquis. We read on the Eliquis website that Eliquis causes low potassium, but my blood potassium level was o.k., so that brings up the question: So., if my blood potassium level is o.k., perhaps the potassium not getting into the muscle tissues, and if not, why not? My guess is that the Eliquis (which we've been told works on the cell walls of the platelets to make them 'slippery' so they don't clot), perhaps has a similar effect on the permeability of the cell walls of muscle tissue, perhaps blocking the uptake of potassium (and other significant electrolytes, such as magnesium) from the blood. Therefore, the pain and dysfunction of muscles begins. That's only my theory, so I need to investigate more. I need to talk to a cytologist. I just know that if you start messing with the body's electrolytes, all kinds of mayhem begins.

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