Dorixina (Page 3)
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it is a pain med from mexico???

54 Replies (3 Pages)

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I bought Dorixina for migraines while in Costa Rica. I have enjoyed all of the info provided here. My one question is that my package also says ergotamina which sounds to be ergot or ergotamine. I took caffergot years ago for migraines and was told that it was caffeine and ergotamine (said to be a diverative of LSD). It worked for the migraines but left me with some side effects. Mostly blurred vision and a little spacey. I have not taken the dorixina as of yet. I'll wait for more replies before I decide. Thanks!

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I currently reside in Mexico and was first given this medication for dental work. It is in the same family as ibuprofen. It is non-narcotic and very fast acting. I also use it for sinus migraines. Dorixina is just a brand name, as there are other names. The name of the drug is: Clonixinato de Lisina. No, it is not available in the U.S. and it is NOT a med to help you sleep. Would you take ibuprofen as a sleep aid? I have read that the reason it is not available in the U.S. is because it is inexpensive and effective in treating migraines.

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I just returned from the Dominican Republic and was given Dorixina Migra for my cluster headache attacks in combination with Zyrtec-D and it stopped the clusters and they havent returned while on this medicine. I need to know if it is available in Canada as I have one day supply left and scared to death to get the clusters back.

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Im a student in mexico (to be a dentist). Dorixina is a common brand of clonixinato de lisina which is the active ingredient. Its quite useful for pain, its a non narcotic analgesic so you wont become addict and it has minor side effects (not more than an aspirin or advil), please dont be scared of mexican doctors, we study a lot and we are not as lost in time as movies show. :) If you ever come to tamaulipas, mx, ill be glad to help you with your dental health XD

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Dorixina comes in different strengths with different ingredients. Relax has a benzodiazipine type ingredient. Fast is extra-strength. I met an executive from Roemmers and he said that they do not want to go through FDA and the equivalent scrutiny from European regulators. The main ingredient is from Lysine. If you get dengue, do not take Dorixina. If you have trauma and bleeding, don't take it. Big pharm. figures the attorneys would make too much money of it. Remember that the medicine in the countries where you can buy Dorexina are not driven by lawsuits. I figure that big Pharm would partner and bring Dorexina in, if there was a profit to be had.

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my mother in law came from mexico on may 3rd and she has since ran out of dorixina she use's it for here knees we live in the bay area is there any were we can get it here??

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Hello,I am living in Holland and I want to order Dorixina for my wife.In holland you cannt buy it.Can anyone help me.Where can I buy it?

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I was just given this medicine by a dentist in Juarez mexico. I had all of my teeth pulled and a day later i have pretty brand new dentures and about 3 boxes of this Dorixina. It works great for pain. Almost immediately after taken. The only side effect i have noticed is that it causes me to have blurry vision. Pretty bad to the point that i am typing this with one eye closed just so i can see the screen. lol I definitely wouldn't take this stuff and drive.

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I just got this drug, but not for pain!!!!!! to help me sleep, which has done neither ore. I dont thik i like it, and dont recommened it to anyone else!

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My dad gave me Dorixima because Ive always suffered from migraines. Usually any medication I took gave me BAD side effects, tightness in chest, really upset stomachs, etc. This one gave me NO side effects and my migraine would not even occur. I take it as SOON as I see lights. Once I see lights that means I am getting a migraine and thanks to this miracle pill I havent suffered from one as long as I have one handy.

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I was made aware of Dorixina by a Doctor from Boston who then lived in Guadalajara Mexico. He said that one pill has the same pain relief as a shot of morpheine. He said no firts aid kit should be without it! and advised one pill to stop a patient going into shock at an accident scene.

My sister has suffered migraines for a lot of her life but has been able to stop them with Dorixina for the past ten years.

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Please be aware that ALL drugs, no matter what they are, have some side effects, so there is no chance that this one has NONE!

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I was given Dorixina by an MD and relative in Colombia for migraines. I just found info in spanish on the web: it is a non-narcotic analgesic with no side-effects, and can be used with various types of pain (not just migraines). It is a much better choice than hydrocodone/codeine type meds which I have had to take a lot, so I'm very glad to find out about this although apparently it's not available in the US (no doubt for BIG PHARM reasons, since my sample is produced by Roemmers, in Venezuela). From what I've read it is also produced in Mexico.
I would encourage ANYONE who has suffered from chronic pain to try this instead and find freedom from Rx narcotics.
Hope that helps. Spread the word and respond if you have more questions.

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Afriend of mine just returned from Mexio after having her teeth pulled and dentures made. The Dr. gave her Dorixina for pain and we were wondering, 1. what is in it 2. is there any equivilent here in the U.S. if so , What is it??

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