Atorfit Cv 10 Instead Of Ecospirim 75mg & Storvas 10mg
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I used to take ecospirin 75 , storvas 10, starpress XL 25mg 1 tablet each per day for the last one year. Today my doctor changed the medicine and prescribe me to take ATORFIT CV 10mg & srarpress xl 25mg. Dont I need to take ecospirim 75 mg(which is blood thinner), I had gone through three stenting about one year 4 months back.

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My father is an stroke patient,accidentily he take both atrofit cv 20mg cap and ecosprin togther. Is there any problem ? answer is very argent.

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My father is an stroke patient,accidentily he take bothatrofit cv 20mg cap and ecosprin togther. Is there any problem ? answer is very argent.

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My Father had gone through by pass surgery 2 years back and recommended following medicine for long term.

Clopivas AP 150mg
Storvas 20 mg
Cardace 5 mg
Cardivas 3.125 mg
Gimmer 1 mg

We doing blood check-up every 3 months and found Diabetes is under control but still we prefer to take Gimmer 1 on daily basis. How about other medicine.... what should be check up ? Can I go for Generic medicine with same contents ? if so please advise which medicine to be replace and which should be continue?

Asking this qns bcaz twice I visited doctor and he didn't change / recommended in medicine infact he just changing the schedule of doz....for e.g. 1-0-0 earlier and now 0-1-0 ....

Would appreciate your valuable feedback.


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Hello, Debasish! How are you?

Atorfit-CV contains the active ingredients Atorvastatin and Clopidogrel. The Clopidogrel is used to help prevent clotting, so it's basically replaced the Ecosprin.

Learn more Atorvastatin details here.

Learn more Clopidogrel details here.

Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, joint/muscle aches and increased risk of bleeding.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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