Alprazolam 1mg- Green S902 Vs. Blue 605. Which Is Better? (Page 7)


Been taking oval green 2x's a day for couple months. Now the pharm sent me blue oval 605, is there a diference in effectiveness? Also, are they ir, er, ect? And how could I tell? I looked everywhere.

141 Replies (8 Pages)

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Have been on subs for 11 years now. Used subs to get off methadone clinic after 10 years. Also take Xanax for about 28 yrs. I thought coming off 100 mg methadone & 2 mg xanax was hell. I hallucinated and was delusional for idk how long. I was in a jail lockdown cell that i asked to be put in when i felt my mind going. This was like the 5th time i had to do time but the last time was the only time i lost my mind. Well i got myself locked up again in 2015 and coming off subs & xanax was another version of hell. No hallucinations but i hurt and i think if i couldve found a way i would have killed myself. Was locked up 7 months. Still felt terrible when i was released but the first 2 months were unbearable. The depression and anxiety are still with me now but not like in jail. If i had it my way i would rather have 20 mg methadone & 1 mg xanax at bedtime than 24 mg sub & 1 mg 4 times daily like im on now. I think maybe i just switched from 1 demon to another.

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I have grand mal seizers when I stop taking Xanax . It's always the 3rd day when I have them very scarey

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I cannot tell a difference between the green or blue 1 mg xanax. I think ive developed a very high tolerance. However i acquired some yellow 2 mg xanax and took 1 around 6 pm when my daughter got home. I had my 2 grandchildren all day, ages 2 & 3. About 15 min after i took the 2mg i could barely drive, could hardly hold my head up. Its been years since ive felt that way & i didnt like it at all. I stopped at McDs and got a coffee and turned the air on and prayed and by Gods grace i made it home. Its 11 miles from my daughters house to mine. I got out my magnifying glass, googled the #s on meds and still called pharmacy to make sure i hadnt received some bootleg pill. The next evening i took 1 and felt nothing. Go figure.

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I would believe you as mine is messed up too. Forget the past. Moving forward

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Seroquel is not a sleep medication! Don't suggest that to people who don't need it. It's an antipsychotic.

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Blue are way better, the green ones suck!
I've been prescribed for over 13 years.
Now there is a yellow round 1mg. Not sure about the yellow but the green ones are no good. Always go with the blue ones.

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The green ovals I am able to take are 3/4ths of a 1mg completely squashes the anxiety, I get heart rates up to 130 bpm. I didn't know what was happening when I was getting these freak out attacks & at the e.r they gave me Ativan but I never used any benzos so I didn't know they would stop anxiety & I was like why am I supposed to take these & I didn't. I kept having anxiety attacks & later after seeing psychologists learned I had PTSD & anxiety. My friend had the oval blues & I'd had a CPL to try when I got a anxiety attack, thy worked for anxiety for a few hours then it would come back & I had no tolerance. I eventually was prescribed the oval greens s902 & realized 3/4ths of a 1 mg pill lasted all day, if I was having severe anxiety & my thyroid meds were making me jittery adding to it & other people were stressing me out & I was in a situation where my anxiety was amped way up then I'd take 3/4ths of a pill at like 7am & 3/4ths of a pill at like 10 pm. So that's like 1&1/4 total in 15 hours verses having to take 2-3 blue ovals. The green ovals just take away the anxiety more & probably with less withdrawal cuz I've BN on the same amount even sometimes just take 1/2 a pill for the day it's been 3 yrs. So my tolerance has not got crazy. I've heard a lot of people talking about the blues & I'm wondering if the blues r making people withdrawal more. I know everyone is different I have betathalasemia my mom's side does too, we react & hv odd reactions to different meds that doctors r like..oh wow that's an odd body reaction as they watch the crazy allergic reaction & are in observe mode lol but some people's bodies react different to different fillers too so I think k it could just be what works best with your body really when I think about it that way. Who knows. Each to their own. We're all different.

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When I stopped taking pain pills zanax did help me . Especially if you have that feeling that you can't stretch enuf or have restless legs.

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I personally prefer the light green S 90 1 1mg alprazolam (xanax) tablets to the light blue ones made by SUN w "605" imprint. Dont get me wrong,i like those too and will not complain or really even care but my PERSONAL choice are the green ones.
When you say "get" do they come through mail order pharmacy? My rx is for 2mg xanax and i get light green dava bars "S 90 3" ..maybe twice a year or so ill get the Greenstone white bars imprinted w G 3722 on them. Again, those are just as good IMO. The only ones i WILL NOT CONSUME ARE MYLAN! I will eiether send them back and wait or go to another pharmacy. ALL MYLAN BENZODIAZIPINES are of inferior quality. Trust.

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Re: virginia (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hell no. Swim got caught by those trying to run from your girl note

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Re: virginia (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

No not at all and this is coming from experience sorry !

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I got the Dava (s902) brand alprazolam 1 mg last night and they only made me tired and gave me a headache and didn't help with my anxiety. I'm supposed to take it 3 times a day. If I call the pharmacy and tell them I can't take it can they order a different manufacturer on a Saturday like today?

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Re: virginia (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Don't you dare try, I did and the withdrawals are1000 times more worse

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Re: virginia (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

No it won't and it also depends on how much you were taking and what u were taking most likely it will help you sleep but that's about best advice is to get on some kind of program like a methadone clinic that can help you.

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You will get bad anxiety if you use xanax to come of pills. I speak of experience but then you can ween off the xanax.

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yes the withdrawal cure for getting clean the quickest would be combing cannabinoid thc with benzos and sub prefect to get and stay clean within just few days always been my remedy

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Re: Bryant (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

They ain’t no different than coming off methadone. Ones as bad as other talking from experience

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can you tell me how much you paid for 120 tablets and do you need a prescription

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I have tried the 1mg blue pill and don't remember a lot that has happened at times. I changed pharmacists and they provide the green footballs s902 and i do not get the same effect at all. I kept increasing by .5mg and I'm up to 3mg and I barely feel a tiny bit mellow. In a way, it's better because the blue pill made me do strange things that I did not remember, like start a facebook account for no reason. The green footballs allow me to perform, but I would require another one to get to where I want to be. I used to be mellow within 30 minutes. It's been about an hour and I can probably do my taxes or clean the garage with the green footballs.

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Re: Velone (# 138) Expand Referenced Message

Hi does anyone know of a doctor I can see in Clarksville Tennessee to get a prescription of Klonopin or Xanax?

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