Xarelto With Back, Joint And Muscle Pain (Page 3) (Top voted first)


If anyone else experienced these symptoms, how long after being off the xarelto did symptoms go away?

45 Replies (3 Pages)

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Pradaxa is another blood thinner I heard about today with antidote if you bleed. Why isn’t this medication used and not Xarelto? There doesn’t seem to be side effects with this one reading people who are on it. My friend has been prescribed this this week for AF and a clot in her thigh. I have been on aspirin now for a few weeks. I was taken off Xarelto because my PE was clear of clots after 6 months on Xarelto. If I need to go back on blood thinners if these clots return would Pradaxa do the same as Xarelto without the side effects of others?

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Hi. I have been on low dose aspirin for three months now; the previous six months I was on Xarelto, the CT scan showed the clots had gone from my lungs. I have been back to my GP on various occasions because I’m feeling my breathing is a bit tight. He has given me a referral to get another Ct scan, he doesn’t think the clots are back but just to make sure,
I know anxiety cause a lot of problems. I do have a muscle pain on my right side from my waist up. I can walk and sit, ok it’s the sleeping on my side that is the worse, I was gardening this week and did I hurt, my back was agony.

I am still on aspirin and will be forever, I’m trying to relax as much as I can. If the scan shows I need to go on blood thinners I will not go on Xarelto, or the other one. My friend has been prescribed one for DVT in her leg and A-FIB the specialist has prescribed one I haven’t heard of before. I did write here to ask about it but got no reply.

Yes, you can get pains in your joints as well as muscle pain, dizziness. And stress.

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Re: Anne (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Do research into Xarelto and find out what you can, maybe call the company issuing it. You could try Eliquis instead, it might work better for You. I've been on it for a year (2.5 mg 2 x a day) and find there are some side effects but all drugs have them. Eliquis is quite expensive, even with medicare coverage, because there is no generic for it yet, it was FDA approved in 2012 and quite new.

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Has anyone experienced neuropathy and muscle weakness after taking Xarelto for an extended period?

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Re: Gina (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

You just cannot stop these tablets as you like, please check with your GP. Otherwise you could feel worse.
What about the injections for blood thinners ,ask your GP. If you read through these comments someone did that and they found it OK painwise.

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