Why Do People Continue To Go To Cvs Or Walgreens??? (Page 2)
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The Internet is flooded with horror stories about these arrogant, cocky, self absorbed pharmacists who think their s*** doesn’t stink as well as the pharmacy themselves. CVS and Walgreens have grown too big for their britches, but what I don’t understand is why people insist on flooding these stores every time they get a prescription? Insurance is insurance and there are tons of small pharmacies that will all go out of their way to cater to you a lot better than the name brands/chain brand outlets. So I ask again why do y'all keep going to a pharmacy that you hate? I think we should all have a national "go somewhere other than CVS or Walgreens" month!

31 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Marv (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

My CVS nightmare began when my local mom and pop pharmacy closed. Had one prescription filled of vidodin. Arrived at home, lo and behold, script was missing 24 of my pills. It was awful... should've held up the line, stood at the counter and counted the damn things. I was dumbfounded and had no recourse, because I left and had no proof.
Count your pills folks before you leave.

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They take everyone's insurance, the pharmacists tell the customers if there might be a medication conflict and tell them to talk to their doctors, they're prompt, offer an automatic refill option, and answer all questions truthfully or admit they don't know the answer.

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You are absolutely correct!! In New York City and Queens, I refuse to go to a chain pharmacy under any circumstance–and when out of town that includes those in the supermarket chains and the "big box stores" To think that it only takes about 10-20 minutes (at most) of internet or yellow page searching to find privately-owned pharmacies, it staggers the mind as to why people continue to patronize these places.

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I prefer chains for a few reasons. My doctor calls in my scripts, hey refill automatically. They have a record online so if u move or switch pharmacies they still have all of my information. If I'm traveling and have a problem with meds while away I can go to the chain, explain the issues and I may be able to get those Meds while I'm away. I had numerous problems with Rite Aid but CVS has been perfect!

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2 Times I went there to fill a prescription That’s for my granddaughter and they wouldn’t fill a prescription her doctor prescribed for her saying she could overdose on it. I think the doctor knows what he should prescribe for his own patients. And I went there to feel my pain medication and when I went to pick it up they told me I shouldn’t be taking one of them with the other, not knowing my history and the fact that I’ve been on the medication for several years already. I just told him just give me back my prescriptions and forget it you’re not my doctor and you don’t know what you’re talking about. To me that they refuse to fill prescriptions your doctor gave you for your child or want to tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing and they don’t even know your history! They are not the doctors, if they wanted to be doctors they should’ve went to medical school

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Marv (# 1) --

CVS is managed by first class nut jobs. They have a policy that when the phone rings that it MUST be answered within 4 rings. It does not matter if you are ringing up a paying customer. So, their policy means that you should excuse yourself from accepting MONEY from a paying customer to answer a question from a phone call. This is the most insane policy that I have ever heard of. I used to instruct my people to ignore the phone if they had a paying customer in front of them and if it pissed off the person trying to call in that it was just too bad. If a person needs an answer to a question then they can get off their fat butts and come in or wait until a person has time to answer the phone. If they think that one should leave a paying customer to answer a phone they are out of their minds.

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I agree with you about CVS and Walgreens. They're nasty and incompetent. I have found a mom and pop pharmacy who are great. They call when I've run out of a drug without me asking. They have given me a few days worth of bp meds till my dr called in my script to hold me over. They know me by face, and are happy to help. You're right, insurance is insurance. I will NEVER go back to the big chains. They suck.

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I go to CVS because they own Silver Script, my prescription insurance, and it is cheaper for me.

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In my area there are no small pharmacies anymore Walgreen's and Walmart put them out of business and many years back the small pharmacy got robbed of oxycontin so they just didn't want to deal with those issues anymore. It is very sad.

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I have tried a few mom and pop pharmacies. Nastier than Walgreens. CVS can KMA

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Well I'm on many medications and Walgreens not only has auto refill, but all my meds show up at my door exactly when I am out. On days I'm not feeling well, this is a blessing. Not all name brand chains have bad or rude pharmacists. Just like any family owned pharmacy, there are good just like there are bad.

Another thing is that my doctor can electronically send my controlled substance script to the pharmacy without a hard copy. This saves me time and gas when I'm out and need a refill sent in.

I do get though that if people are going to complain about big stores, then they need to pick another one.

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