White Buprenorphine Round 460 (Page 4)


So I went to the pharmacy yesterday to get my script and they told me they were out but they would have more tomorrow. When I picked my script up it wasn't what I normally get. They told me it was a generic but I have never seen them before and I have been in treatment for years now. I have tried looking them up but can't find any reviews or anything really on them. Has anyone ever gotten these? And do they work as good as the 54 411? Also it is kind of minty which reminded me of suboxone and I'm not prescribed suboxone.

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Re: Heather (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Not only if pregnant I'm in FL and I still get activis 5 years , . It's up to your rehab doctor or whoever is writing them , if ur allergic to the strips that can't move to strips

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

They're AWFUL!! Burn my mouth& throat for hours after the very 1st tablet. Plus, they don't work near as well as the others

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