What Can I Do Besides Taking Pills Have Parkinsons (Top voted first)


Is there something in addition to pills that I can do to help me with Parkinsons? I am 79 years old and I am mobile, fairly clear of mind, stiff in my joints, loosing my balance and falling occasionally. I am presently using my cane to stabilize myself.

2 Replies

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As far as natural or alternative options go, I would highly recommend any or all of the following treatments:

-supplement with Vitamin B12 (especially in the form of Methylcolbalamin)
-supplement with Magnesium
-detox the body of heavy metals
-low fat diet
-more fruits and veggies in the diet
-staying hydrated (peeing clear all day)
-supplement with Co-enzyme Q10 200mg+ per day
-supplement with Vitamin C and E in generous doses.

I hope this helps! Raw fruits and leafy greens are the best medicine in my honest opinion.

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Was diagnosed with parkinsons 4years ago have been on carb/levo . Was doing well until about a month ago .Now tremors have returned . Dr increased medicine to one and half pills 4 times a day. Tremors in hand are still present

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