Wellbutrin Program Discontinued At Direct Success Pharmacy (Page 3)
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I've been getting name brand Wellbutrin XL 300 from Direct Success Pharmacy for several years, but I just found out yesterday that the cash program is no longer available as of October 31, 2016. So, I will be forced to switch to the generics again. I have had side effects from three of the generics on the market. I've tried Actavis, Mylan and Par. The best of the worst was probably Actavis so I guess I will try it again. Any advice? I am not eligible for any of the other patient assistance programs for the name brand drug.

54 Replies (3 Pages)

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Check out the post called, what is the best generic of Wellbutrin xl Watson or anchen. The original post is old but there are many current responses about the programs.

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Anyone have any updates ? I am on my last Wellbutrin pill(no insurance) I'm lost on what to do now that the program is discontinued

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What is phone number valeant coupon for Wellbutrin xl . I cannot find other thread mentioned in post

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If this is the same coupon at wellbutrinxl.com/savings, I tried it a couple of days after the new year, and it only took about $200 off, still bringing the total to over $1,300 for a 30 day supply at my local Target/CVS. Has something changed with this coupon, or is there a different coupon available now?

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New coupon! Read the other thread. You have to call valeant directly and they will mail it to you. It's not yet available on the internet. The woman on the phone said it will eventually be. It's the same deal as direct success was but it's $100 instead of $50 and you can only use it at local pharmacies (Walgreens, cvs etc.) no mail order.

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I was also receiving Wellbutrin Brand name from Direct Success. Has anyone found a legitimate replacement pharmacy to purchase the name brand that is similar in cost to Direct Success? Running the script under my insurance is close to a $1,000 co-pay. I can not tolerate the generic.

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My cost is now over $1300 a month, even with the current coupon card at wellbutrinxl.com. I'm thinking of trying a Canadian pharmacy that is currently around $65 a month.

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Yes, I have switched to the Actavis version of generic. It's the generic with the least side effects that I have tried.

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Are you still able to get your Wellbutrin from Direct Success. I was doing the same thing and they switched me to the $5 program last month. They called me yesterday and told me they no longer could provide any assistance and I would have to transfer my RX or try to go through regular insurance. My insurance will not cover any of the Brand Name Wellbutrin. Leaving me with an out of pocket cost of $1200 per month. Are you having the same problem?

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I will call and ask, but they called me a few weeks ago to tell me that the cash program had been discontinued. I was told that I would have to pay full price. But it's worth another call. I've gone back to the Actavis version since is was the best of the three that I tried before (best of the worst).

Thanks for the tip.

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Did you try calling Direct Success? There is currently some sort of coupon program in effect that works out even cheaper than the old guarantee program, at least for me and for now. I just got a 30 day supply for $5 instead of the $1,000 my insurance company expects me to pay (or whatever insane amount it's up to by now).

All this shadiness with Valeant is very nerve wracking for me, because I've had great success with Wellbutrin XL 300mg for over 10 years now, all attempts to even just taper down the dosage have met with disaster, and the one time I ever tried a generic, I literally wound up in the ICU after taking my first pill due to an extreme allergic reaction. That was with Budeprion, which has since been discontinued, but still I'm not exactly jumping to give generics another try, despite how eager my insurance company is for me to do so, as it saves them money either way, if generics wind up working or killing me!

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I stayed on each generic for at least two months before giving them up for adverse reactions.

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What types of side effects do you experience from the generics?

It is normal to experience side effects from medications, but they are usually transient and go away in about 4 to 5 weeks, once your body gets used to the medication.

The FDA lists the typical ones for this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, nervousness, and anxiety.

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My copay with insurance would still be $900 a month for the brand drug, and the one of the patient assistance programs said it would give me $75.00 off of that copay. That still won't work for me.

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