Torre Zolpidem
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You are completely right about Torrent manufactured generic Ambien. I am also using Medco but they had been sending me a white football shaped pill for generic Ambien 10 mg, that worked okay, not really that good, just okay. Then this month they sent me this peach colored oblong shaped pill with 3 dots on one side and 10 mg on the other and I haven't been able to get to sleep at all this month. I don't understand why anyone would do this to people who can't sleep. Not being able to get to sleep for weeks makes a person crazy.

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There are many people that have had problems with the Zolpidem from this manufacturer, unfortunately, the only I can suggest is to keep trying other pharmacies, until you find one that carries one manufactured by a different company.

You can see the other ongoing thread here, from users that are having problems:



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I absolutley AGREE! CVS has been jerking me around for months with their constant changing of manufacturers. After trying to refill my scrip yesterday, and finding they have, YET ANOTHER brand to try - I have had enough! I called the company main line and told them to stop changing pills. Now I'm in search of a pharmacy that carries the ones I need. Its going to be a LONG NIGHT!

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I usually get 10mg round white generic ambien, new pharm tech gave me peach oblong this time, I wake up feeling drugged and dazed, of course I'm told there is no difference, I can not take the peach one, but ah what do we know about how we feel? No sleep for me either.

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My orange pill from Medco mostly works pretty well, but a pharmacist said that a generic manufactured by "Dr, Reddy" was a better brand name to ask for.

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