Took Diane 35 For The First Time And My Period Is Longer (Top voted first)


So i took diane 35 for the first time. I took it on the first day of my period. So i had 1 week of spotting like period so i didnt really mind it as it is usually a side effect. Then after the first week i noticed that the bleeding got a little stronger. And it has been 5 days of having this bleeding. Is it normal?

3 Replies

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Yes, that can happen, when you are new to taking a hormonal contraceptive and it may continue for the first 3 months, or so, according to the NIH. Other side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, and PMS-like symptoms.

If the bleeding becomes very heavy, or doesn't stop after a few months, you should consult your doctor, because you may need to try a different medication.

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Hi its my first time to take diane. Not knowing it has 7 day off, last july 11 is my first day of period so i took diane and it lasted for 5 days, then naubos ko po yung 1 pack, and continue to take the second pack without rest of seven days. I got spotting for about a week its that ok? Until now wala parin po akong period, and i am worried.

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I took diane pills on the first day of my period which was February 15, 2018 and on the last day on February 20, 2018, and then on February 21, 2018 I had intercourse with my partner. I'm scared of getting pregnant. Is it safe that I had intercourse after 5 days of my period?

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