Subutex For Low Cost (Top voted first)


i have lost my job and with that my insur. problem being that i have been on subutex for quite a few years and can no no longer afford them. HELP!!!! im at the point where it has been 4 days since i last took my medication and i feel like i am ready to die or turn back to pain meds, at least i can get them fronted to me please help i do not want to go down that road again.

3 Replies

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I'm sorry, but this site doesn't manufacture, prescribe, nor sell any medications, this is an information only website.

I did try doing a search for assistance programs for this medication, but there aren't any available, which happens often with controlled substances.

The only thing I can really advise is to go to the emergency room, if your withdrawals get too severe.


Does anyone else have any advice to add?

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I've been in subutex for almost 3 years, on top of tjat I've been on workmans comp since 7/26/10. I an prescribed 3 8mg subutex a day, I cant afford all the meds st once, out costs me $80 aweek and my wek comp of only $355 a week, plus I have tent of $125 a week. I still need to buy groceries each week. struggling doesn't describe where I'm at right now. None of these partition cards every helped me,.they actually cosy me more each week. I lube on tandem noodles for 3 years now. I've been off opiates for 3 yeats since I started the megs but I cant afford the meds plus the monthly dr visit of $125 a month. Is there any way to reduce my subutex script reach month? O ready teally need help. After bring clean for so long the lay thing o eant to do of go back into illegal activities to support my meds. Is there any way I could get help. I've been losing a lot of weight and need serious help asap. Help me pleae! Like I said, I've tried these discount cards and they always ends up coding me more each time I go to the pharm. I cant eben adopted to get all my script filled st once. I'm only paid on work comp $355 aweek and my monthly script costs $320 a month. I'm almost at my braking point. I want to stay clean, but out almost seems easier to start using drugs again and if I do that I'll never have a chance to be with my daughter again. My babies mom kicked me out cause she can't stand how much I need to spend each week on my suboxone. I'm begging for your help!

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How can I get help with cost of subutex in Houston, Texas 77070?

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