Suboxone And Heroin (Page 3) (Top voted first)


i took 8 mg suboxone at 5am. when can i take heroin again?

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I have a question I hope someone can answer. I started subs today after waiting 24 hours after last shot. I took 4 mg of suboxone and remembered i had about .5 g left so i did it. I know it's stupid as I'm trying to quit. I have deleted all numbers and I plan on giving it my all to quit. So I didn't feel much at all it just made me feel normal as the 4 mg of subs didnt make me feel great. Anyway my question. Since I did some H about an hour after starting subs how long do I have to wait until taking subs again? I would like to ake it only a few hours later to stay on my taper but do not want precip withdrawals. I think sice I had subs in my system I should be able to take subs within a few hours after slipping and taking the last of my H. Do you thnk I have to wait again? Thx

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If you have never been around this then just RUN. Run away now. It will never be worth it to date a heroin user when you don't understand what its like to be one. It sucks, but it's always the truth. Heroin users have ONE relationship and thats heroin. You will, unfortunately, always come second even if it doesn't seem like it. I know you want to help but no one can help.

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Susan, so f-ing what!!! It's not your concern if we recovering addicts are our own demise. It doesn't have one damn thing to do with you and it seems to me that you are upset because you are jones'n for pain pills and is jealous that we addicts can get whatever we want and you my dear weak minded one can not. You sound as if you like getting high from pain pills because you obviously don't need them if you have "minimal" pain. I'm disabled and in horrible chronic pain everyday, all day. I don't take pain pills, I take Buprenorphine and thank God it exists so I can remain sober while tending to my children. It drives me nuts when 'know-it-alls' like you talk as if you know something. Stop judging people,you are far from a judge and if you feel the need to criticize, look in the mirror and start there. Take a chill pill....

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Sheila... Just FYI this thread does show up in a Google search for the same question that was asked. As far as him trying to get attention, where do you get something like that?!? It is a question that a large percent of heroin/pain pill addicts all question since it seems like everyone has a different answer or experience to this. At least he asked the question instead of finding out a horrible way. Subs can be a life savor and yet true hell if not taken correctly. I recommend to all addicts, if you don't feel you are truly ready to quit then get subutex not suboxone. Subutex doesn't have the reversal(naloxen-spelling sorry) as the suboxone does. I wish you all luck, I am still battling fighting the chase for that red dragon myself. One day at a time helps!

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I feel sorry for you but why not get so help rather than going to get dope? My son is taking many different drugs and heroin is one of them. Xanax is another, oxycodone 30 mgs and suboxone 8mg is another. It breaks my heart to see him on this crap. He gets very sick if he doesn't have anything to take and I think that is why he can't stop because he gets so sick. He has been doing this for 10 years and goes into very bad neighborhoods. He has been mugged at gun point 3 times. Once they made him give up his sneakers and phone and jacket, wallet all his money. He still goes back for more. I'm know someday I'm going to get a call from the Philly police telling me he was assaulted or killed. I can't help him, he has to want help. And screw that rock bottom crap, some people's rock bottom is death. I pray for him and I'll pay for you too. You guys can get clean, I did it many years ago. I used to drink pretty hard, but I went and got help. I went to Eagleville rehab and they got me through withdraw which was the hardest part. If I can do it anyone can do it. Please stop killing yourself and the people that love you. Good luck and Good Bless you all.

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To been there dun that..I wish you the best. I just hope that you didn't mean it when you said your sobrity wasn't that bad.Life needs to be much better than that..That is how I felt for 12 years and that is why I relasped..For me methadone makes my life worth living, and life is fun..Without it I felt empty..But we all are different..I hope your life is wonderful soon!!!!!

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For gosh damn it. Myself and a few other people did offer our experiences and answered the posters questions. We are not all judgemental SOB's so please dont put us all in the same mindset as Matt who claims to be an addict but who wishes death on other addicts like me..The poster has been told exacally what happens and when I answered the question I answered because it happened to me..I only speak from experience


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Gosh damn it..You seem to have the same experience with suboxone I did. With methadone I still get hot flashes, etc, but suboxone just didn't agree with me, and I did hang with it for 2 weeks. I guess we are all just different. I agree with most of your post except the fact that you can use methadone and still get loaded..At small doses yes, but I kept increasing my dose until the desire to use went away, and also no matter what I can't feel any opiate. I couldn't stop using until I got my dose to my blocking dose. I could OD myself and I wouldnt feel it. So when you see a methadone patient on 30mg who is loaded, believe me, they are on that low dose so they can use and still feel it..I know because I have been there done that. Today I am on 165mg of methadone. I don't nodd, I don't crave any opiates and I haven't used any opiates since July 1, 2002..I am, living a normal life only because of methadone..Don't get me wrong, I sometimes would love to feel that euphoria again, but for me, that means death..And I want to live today...


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I have been taking sub for four days and have been dwindling the dose---I took 2 eight mg first day(thurs), second day 2 eight mg,(fri) 1mg(Sat) and 1/2 today. I was going to take 1/2 tomorrow and then I am out. I am scared because what will happen if it isn't enough---I havent had anywithdrawal symptoms since I took the first dosage Wednesday night 8mg. I have been doing very well and havent had any cravings---could this nightmare really be over and I can start a new life or will I go thru hell when I am totally off the sub---I wanted to see if it would work and it has but now I am worried something bad is going to happen since I don't have anymore--I was on oxy's and have been clean for four days now!!! Could this be enough sub to be finally done with me abusing drugs.

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I was on a very small amount of suboxone and relapsed. It was about 2mg a day for like 2 weeks from a 2 year herion habit. I went back to my doc who said I quit too soon and that's why I had withdrawal from the suboxone. I took 4mg this morning and am so depressed I want to do a bag of H. I'm not sure if that's a bad idea because it could hurt me or cause I won't feel it. It's been 13 hours since the 4mg. I wish I had just waited till I was really ready to start the suboxone. Good luck to everyone needing it here. I've heard of Subs working but don't know myself yet. It takes away all the painfull withdrawal for now. The doc said once your on it long enough with the proper doseing you won't get withdrawal when you stop taking it. Judgemental people all have their own skeletons.

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Ok people. Your not going to help him. He just wants a question answered. Im sure he knows heroin is bad. Duh. If you want to answer the question answer the question. if not then mind your business.

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yea people who are telling you that you need help are like democrats when asked a question about government , they change the subject and completely avoid the issues , he f---ing knows where to get help , hes asking a question to fellow dope users , if you dont know or have any experience.

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hey people his guy just asked a uestion hewantnd to kno ia on here causei wantedto know the same ?we are all drugies if your on this page,we are suposed to b here for each other justhelp and i can be very serious but i as ben poven o me ime ater time that eah pearson has adifferent reaction to mixing suboxone with anyting for me so far its all been good just dont fel the h like i want to

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My boyfriend is a herion addict whos been clean for about 3months while taking suboxone. I found a needle he was hiding (not the first time eithier.) He said he was running low on subs so he was shootin up (subs.) To make it last longer. Im pretty drug stupid but I heard if u shoot up suboxone you will go into immediate withdrawals. And another point he made was if he mixes herion with suboxone he would get sick. But I also heard it depends on the person. Idk what to trust because it seems like everything is a possibility.

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susan you sound like some overprotective conservative parent. the original poster asked a question, not for your opinion. if you would like to give your opinion, take it somewhere else where they will actually care.

anyways, you'll have to wait at least 24 hrs before you shoot again. 36 hours and your perfectly fine, but any less than 24 hours and you wont feel a damn thing. waste of dope if you ask me. try to get on the subs man, they really work!

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You won't feel the heroin for at least 36 hours (I am speaking from personal experience) If you are a long time heroin addict, suboxone may not work for you..I have been an opiate addict since I was 14 and I will be 56 tomorrow, so I know a lot about tapers, withdrawls cold turkey, etc..I wish people like this Susan would STFU, this is not a board about recovery, we don't judge here, and if we do, we don't last long. I hope that every opiate addict would quit doing dope, but that is not my business..I just hope that no one has to go where I did, before they quit (I am on methadone maintenance) Good luck to you Justin and I hope you keep posting to let us know you are ok


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Actually u can shoot subs there is a very particular way to do it... Otherwise you will get very sick. But that does not mean that's really what he is doing

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Try BL Justin6, much more understanding community I think!

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Well I would have edited that as reading more than the first two horrific replies I see there are some real ppl out there, thank you : )
Have a look at Blue Light and Erwoid tho just the same!

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