Suboxone And Successful Results (Top voted first)


Has anyone had good results on Soboxone?

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I have. I was addicted to pain meds for years stemming from a knee injury in college. When I finally told my doctor about all the extra pills I would take, i.e. buying them on the street, he advised me to try suboxone. I did, and I started at a higher dose, and it's fairly easy to taper the dose down in the beginning, just make sure you do it with your doc's help and let him/her know how you are feeling, physically. It is a little harder when you start going down from 2 mgs a day to 1, then 1/2 then a 1/4, and so forth. I've had more sucess taking half my dose in the morning and half in the evening, that could easily be psychological though. Anyhow, it is possible for this treatment to work, just don't try to wean yourself off too quickly, and please just don't stop taking it or you will have withdrawl symptoms. I haven't felt any since I started over a year ago, and I'm down to 1/4 mg a day, slowing tapering is KEY.

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I have, I have been on it just under a month. I am the happiest I have been in a long time. Everything has been great and I feel like a normal contributing person again. The best part for me , the thing that amazed me is that I have had absolutely no cravings for opiates, I would have never have believed that part of it before I started taking it. I have had two failed attempts at rehab without using suboxone. Right now there is a bottle of percs in my home because my daughter just had a surgery and I have no desire to go anywhere near them. It has completely changed me in just this short amount of time.

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