Morphine Sullfate Er 30 Mg Withdrawal (Top voted first)


A few months ago my doctor put me on Morphine Sullfate ER 30 mg 2X a day. I had been using oxycodone at night to sleep and as needed during the day. I am not finding the morphine to be effective, and I want to stop using it. I still have some oxycodone 5 mg tablets. Is there a way I can wean myself off the morphine--and eventually the oxy--using the 5mg oxy tablets? At this point, I'd rather live with the pain than being shackled to the drugs.

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You can try, but will likely still experience some withdrawal effects. However, they will probably not be too severe if you have only been taking it for a few months. The most severe problem is usually the rebound pain, which can e worse than the pain you started taking the medication to treat.

Have you consulted with your doctor?



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The doctor has given me 15 mg 2X daily and a schedule to reduce from there. I am concerned about the rebound pain, especially since I think I have been experiencing some of that as my body got used to not having the oxycodone I was on previously. The morphine doesn't work for me. She won't put me back on oxy and wants to send me to another doctor who deals with chronic pain, but I've been there and done that with little or no success. I don't like being shackled to a doctor and paying $200 a visit every 6 months just to get pain meds. It feels like paying a drug pusher.

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What medican is the one that works best for setatic nerves. From my lymbar,been on moripen 30mgs 4 times a day,waiting for surgery,from workmencope and still working,I think my body isent working with being on so long,I really hate taking,could I wene off by taking lorritabs?

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