Metoprolol & Hair Loss (Page 3)
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I have been taking 200 mg. a day for about 4 years. I thought it was a coincidence that I've lost 50% of my hair during this time because I am also going through menopause. I just found out that it is possible the hair loss is caused by metoprolol, so my doctor just wrote me a RX for a different drug. Will my hair grow back? It was very long, down to my waist, but I've been cutting it to compensate for the thinness. I just touch my head and lose a few hairs! Any ideas?

165 Replies (9 Pages)

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Oh me Gosh, I'm on that too, What did your Dr. Give you... Did you google it for hair loss? What did he give you? I have been searching for a BP med that doesn't cause you to lose your hair. Bystolic I was on for years and it also makes your hair fall out. Also If you have surgery your anasesia will make your hair fall out but it will grow back... Not sure about the BP meds.

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Doctors and pharm. companies lie about side effects. I'm going to start with a naturopathic doctor and give nature a try. Before meds nature was our healer.

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April, Metoprolol is NOT an ACE inhibitor. Rather, it is a Beta-Blocker Just an FYI..

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What rx drug did ur Dr switch u to for blood pressure & does it also cause hair loss?

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I was on Bystolic for 4 years now my hair is falling out. STOP after 4 years

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I have also suffered about 8 bald spots on my head though i was only taking 5mg a day.I have stopped using this medication as my hypertension now is ok so am waiting to see if my hair shall grow back.

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I've been on Rthymol sr (propafenone) 325mg 2x daily...for three years now. I am in my mid sixties. I have PAF (paroxysmal / lone AFib. Only my first episode ever eas debilitating...a few during the three years since which have not been. I started losing my hair about six weeks into starting it. I have lost close to 75% if my hair. All this time I was pretty much told it was my hypothyroid imbalance. Which is actually in a good range but the hair loss continues. After doing my own research...I come to learn that Rythmol has beta blocker properties which explains s the hair loss. I have started using a laser comb and taking Biotin....too early to see results. Now that I know what is causing my hair loss I am ready to take control. Will be seeing a new doctor and I plan on getting a reduce dose. I have felt from the beginning that my dose is too high. I hate drugs and so want off this train. I know my triggers...sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety. My diet is impeccable...I stay away from processed chemical foods....MSG and it's proxy names....are nanotubes triggers for arrythmias. I am a lavto-ovo vegetarian and most days full vegetarian. I'm depressed over this hair loss, fed up with the ears ringing and buzzing, the crazy dreams and in the last two years have aged face looks emaciated. My weight average is 130. There is a noticeable difference in my skin overall. These side effects have caused me anxiety and the concern for what this drug had done to my white bl ct and over all health. Oh and here's the kicker....early on when I asked the cardio doctor if it was safe to continue with all my supplements with the Rythmol ...she said, "if you're concerned don't take them." Red Flag! I immediately made an appointment with a Holistic medical doctor. He recommended supplements that you would expect a Cardiologist to recommend. Needed to vent...thanks for this forum.

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April I'm on Lisinopril and my hair is falling out I had really thick hair my doctor says hair falling out is a side effect of Lisinopril so he's changed me to losartan 12.5 mg

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Great news! You know you have to be as faithful to your supplement are you were to your HBP pills and check your BP regular, just to be sure. I've had colleagues and patient whose BP dropped wen the dropped eight, had a thyroid deficiency corrected, etc. One fewer chemical to consume! Awesome!

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Hey I only need to know if u can take an be prescribed xanax an zubsolv by 2 different doctors,,?2,,,can zubsolv an xanax be taken at the same time. , thxs guys

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i'd like to know that far haven't heard of one. must be the beta blocker family of drugs that cause so much hair loss. and they say it's a side effect only in 1% of patients taking it....well i beg to differ.

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same exact thing happened to me...i lose hair constantly and find it everywhere. on my desk at work, in the shower, on my clothes, down my arms, etc. it's gross. and i hate it. will it regrow back. i'm stopping it myself. i'll suffer thru the PVCs if i have to. thanks.

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Thanks Sunflower! Appreciate the reply. I'll check into the script with my Dermatologist! Enjoy comments and sharing of info here.

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Good Morning DJS, no worries.
I do not think I told you the name of my prescription that I'm taking.
Derma-smoothe is a scalp oil topical that I rub into my scalp twice a day.
I use a shampoo name Clobetasol once a week.
And I take an antibiotic pill every day.
Ask your dermatologist about it.
Hope this helps.

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Sorry biotin..not lutein. Lutein is for eye health. Excuse error. I wasn't told the dose. It has helped my neighbor! You do have to NOT be taking doses of Vitamin A with it.

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Hi April,

YES IT WILL GROW BACK....... It took mine about 4 months before I notched a difference. I did not go buy any creams or oils nor did I visit a dermatologist office. I too am in menopause and thought the same but it is all the Metoprolol. I was on 375mg and lost approx 50% of mine in 2 -3 weeks!

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Thanks Sunflower. My dermatologist mentioned OTC Lutein for help growing hair. She didn't mention the doseage though. I should have ask. I recently read that grape seedb oil massaged into your scalp is beneficial. Appreciate your v post!

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Hi my dermatologist prescribed me a
topical oil which is a scalp oil that I use twice a day on my patchy spots.
I am also taking antibiotics once a day and I am using a prescribed shampoo once a week.
Just recently she also told me to use men's Rogaine foam 5% which will help your hair growth much quicker. I placed it on the patchy spots and I'm noticing significant hair growth with everything I am using.
Hope this helps!

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Yes Lisonopril does cause hair loss because it is causing my full thick hair to fall out and thin. I am stopping to take it in the morning.

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Sunflower.. What has your dermatologist prescribed? I am seeing mine this Wednesday! Thanks!!

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