Methadone To Suboxone


I'm on 10 mg methadone 4 times a day now and going to start suboxone but the doc said i have to take a drug test and my levels had to show up less then 60 in my body how many a day can i take to get below that 60 on the test?

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To properly use Suboxone, you actually have to be in the beginning stages of withdrawal, that means severely dropping your Methadone.

I am not sure how much that would be in a day, did your doctor give you any instructions?

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My husband says he is leaving me cuz he cant take dealing with me and my addiction any longer. I am out to prove to him and my kids that i can take my life back. He hates the methadone clinic and with good reason. so i did my research and got the info about changing to suboxone. I am so very very scard of all of this. I just really need someone to talk to that knows first hand what i am going through.if there is anyone on here now that would be willing to talk to me that would be wonderful.

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aww thats so sad i couldnt imagine my wife doing that to me but i understand that its hard and you have to be patient in any relationship but i was on methadone for three years and the withdrawls were physical and mental hell i wanted to die couldnt sleep eat severe loose stool bad for almost three months i couldnt take it any more then i took a suboxen and its sooooo much better im not falling asleep like the methadone, no libido problems or anything it's great. stay at a low dose and when your ready to get off of bupenorphine wean yourself off about a six month taper try not to go passed four miligrams and go down to .25 and youll hardly withdrawl i hope that was helpful sorry no punctuation cheers

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My husband's last dose of methadone was Friday at 30mg. It's now Tuesday. When will it be safe for him to take his 8mg suboxone?

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She bob, it's impossible to give a time frame bc it's such a long half life and pharmacologically speeking 30 mg. is a considerable dose so he needs to be in full Withdrawl. Make sure you know FOR SURE if that was his last dose. Don't have him make the mistake of switching too soon the precipated withdrawals are truly hell!!!!!!

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