Medrol Pak Withdrawal Symptoms 3 Weeks Later? (Page 5)
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Hello. I was prescribed a Medrol pak (6 days 4mg) for a sinus infection. I felt great while taking it. Finished up on 8/12. Couple days later started getting awful hot flashes Few days later jittery in the mornings and loads of anxiety. Then started having trouble sleeping...tossed and turned all night with waves of hot flashes. I'm 6 months postpartum and nursing a baby. Do you think these symptoms are withdrawal from the Medrol? It's right at 3 weeks now. I've had sweaty hands, jitters, racing heart. When will it end? What will help it?

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Unfortunately I'm still having issues and it's been 8 weeks. I don't know if it's from that or not but that is when my problems started...right after I finished it. I'm also 7 months postpartum and nursing so who knows but I wish I had never taken this Medrol pak in case it started some downward spiral. Hope you get to feeling better. Keep us updated.

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I've been off the dose pack for a full week now, and I'm still experiencing high bp, heart pounding, nausea and muscle weakness.
Have any of y'alls symptoms gotten any better? I keep thinking it's getting better, then by the next morning, it's all back.

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I'm still having issues and wondering if it's still a domino effect from the Medrol pak. Still heart pounding, jitters, anxiety, fatigue and off/on nausea. It sucks. I wonder if it's messed with my cortisol levels. How are you now?

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Its been a full week since I've been off the Medrol pak. Yesterday and today have been a lot better as far as chest tightness // pain and blood sugar levels (still not fully recovered though). I was taking the Medrol for allergies while I waited to get allergy tested and allergies aren't as bad that may have something to do with it. I'm hoping in another week I'm fully clear of any side affects. How have you been doing RacerD?

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It's an awful feeling. I'm still having issues and swear it's still because of the Medrol pack. I think it caused my other hormones to go wacky and they are trying to recover. It seems to come in waves now...a couple good days followed by a few bad. Hoping it's coming to an end. Let us know how you are doing in a few more days. I'm curious to see how long it lasts for others...hopefully not long.

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I've had a couple of the same symptoms (clamy hands, heart racing, tight chest pains, jittery) that don't seem to go away! I've been off the Medrol pak (4mg for 6 days) for 4 days now and still no big improvements. I'm hoping my Saturday my side affects subside.

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Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping my issues over the last few weeks were related to the darn Medrol pak. I started to think I was suffering from postpartum anxiety and started Zoloft. That made me crazy and I stopped after 5 days. Then my OB gave me Ambien because I wasn't sleeping and I took it for 10 days and then stopped....probably triggering more withdrawal type symptoms. It's been an awful 6 weeks since taking the Medrol. :( I am finally starting to see a clearing and hope it keeps on going. I think it messed up my thyroid as well. Will never take this again.

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Hello, RacerD! How are you? Has there been any change? Congratulations on the baby!

It can take a few weeks for all of the side effects to go away, according to reports from the NIH. I have taken it before, too, and hated experiencing them, especially since some of them don't show until after you've already finished your course of treatment with it.

However, if they worsen, or don't go away, then you should consult your physician.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Anyone have an idea on if this can still be withdrawal side effects?

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