Lutenyl Pill Availability In The Uk (Top voted first)


Hi, I have been advised to take Lutenyl by a French Doctor for both contraception and balancing my hormones (too much estrogens versus progesterone - I have a fibroid 10x11 cm so hopefully with Lutenyl it will stop growing). I am 50, in good health, no signs of meposause. I live in London so when I get to see my GP she said that pill is not listed in the UK, but when I google it, it comes up so I am a bit confused. Is it under another name in the UK? Do you know the name?

3 Replies

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The actual ingredient is Nomegestrol, it's a hormonal supplement, so what you need to ask your doctor to look for is something that contains the same ingredient.

Learn more Nomegestrol details here.

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Hi, am 36 old and had my first child last two years with cesarean and my doctor gave me lutenyl for contraceptive but over 1 years and half now that I stop it I have trying to get pregnant but is happening my doctor said that every thing is in order. What do advice me to do?

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Hi. I would like to know how I can find this medicine by the name of Lutenyl? I really need it for someone and I don't know where it may be available? Thank you!

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