Lexapro Forums (Page 6)

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o I've been on lexapro since end of November till now.. still having panic attacks that won't stop.. it's happening like every 5 days there so severe I almost end up in the hospital.. I do take .5mgs of klonopin as well. And they are still breaking thru out of the blue no reason for them.. a while back I had a bad experience with trying to get on prozac. I was hospitalized 2x n had to get off.. I was in a real bad spot .. the doctor is now suggesting I start paxil.. n I'm extremely scared to change meds n deal with all the start up side effects.. anybody out there can please give me so advice or some positive experiences..it would be greatly appreciated.. thank u ## Hello, Renee! How are you doing? Have you start the Paxil, yet? My ex-husband took it for years for depres...

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I was on the generic for Lexapro for almost 2 months I was lightheaded from day 1 all day everyday. I originally was put on 20 mg a week, later was dropped to 10 mg, another week later was dropped again to 5 mg and I believe two weeks after that I was taking 5 mg one day and 10 the next. I did that for about a week, then I decided my light headedness was not getting any better , I decided to come off of it. They put me back on 5 mg every other day, then every 2 then every 3. I have been off of it since 2/2. I have experienced palpitations ( about 2 weeks of them )I have had a 24 hour holter monitor on , 2 EKGs, they came back good. I am having a stress test / echo tomorrow . The palpitations are not as bad now as they were after I got the results my heart was fine . Then I experienced p...

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Has anyone found anything that helps with lexapro drowsiness? I have been on lexapro 20mg for just over a year and feels like drowsiness is getting worse and getting in the way of life. Although lexapro has been great for my mood I feel as though I am wasting my day with the amount of sleep I need. ## I have suffering with incredible drowsiness, but aince I am on a pain patch and gabapentin and a few others I just assumed they were to blame for the several naps a day. Maybe it is the lexapo. This is why I had the doctor take me off Lyrica, but not only am I still suffering from drowsiness but it so bad I can't drive far, have to plan work etc so I can take nap. I go to my Doc tomorrow and I will ask him! ## Thanks for the reply, let me know what the doc says about it if you can

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I had a family doc give me my klopin one every month i couldnt get to him for abt 7 month do to molina transportation but i finally got it apprived and i had a app feb8 i had one before but my grandma had to stroke got out of the hosp i helped and was going to my app the8. Well my klopin were do he didnt prescibe them on fri i called monday i was sick from it he called in .5 mil and im allergic to orange die pink die i broke out in a rash i was up all night like speed what do i do cuz i switched doc start monday when the pharm. Called she said she would pro keep me on the five to ween me off ive been on them and lexapro for a long time i get soc sec. I fell under six quide line of mental and physical. I got anxsity severe dep ptsd personality disorde memry loss do to a bad car wreak i died


I just recently decided to try Lexapro 10mg nine days ago. My OBGYN recommended this for me to try if I wanted to because for 2 weeks out of every month before my period my hormones are completely out of it. I'm an emotional roller coaster. So, I thought what could it hurt to try. My experience has been awful with Lexapro. The very first day of taking it, I could not sleep, I felt very sick to my stomach. Second day.....still sick to my stomach, couldn't sleep and ringing in my ears. By the 4th day on this med all the side effects above including feeling like I have to bite down hard, grinding of the teeth, and cannot climax when me and my husband are having intercourse. Me and my husband are extremely intimately active with each other (5x a week) It's awful in my opinion. A...

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Would withdrawal symptoms affect me after forgetting to take the medication for 4 days? OR Would I be getting withdrawal symptoms from dropping dosages in my lexapro? I have been on it for roughly 6 months and 3 weeks ago the dr told me to drop down to 10mg which I cut my 20's in half but I am constantly forgetting. I haven't taken them for 4 days until I remembered last night. I feel mentally and emotionally fine. I don't cry more then usual and circumstances have changed for me recently and I felt as though I no longer need anti depressants. The last few weeks I've had some health issues similar to the side effects of starting lexapro but they only lasted about a week. but in the last week or so I've had a lot of other things that are beginning to concern me: -Incr...

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Hello, I started Lexapro at the end of August for GAD, first with 5MG then to 10MG then to 20MG after a month. Some time later (maybe 8 weeks), I started having tremors in my legs which has now spread to my trunk and arms. When I sit or lay down it's fine, but as soon as I move around it starts. Also dizziness. My question is this. Can it be Lexapro? Everyone says I'm crazy to think that I'm the 2% which it adversely affects. But my axiety has increased to where I'm wired all day and these other symptoms make it seem like it could be the Lexapro. Dr. keeps saying it is anxiety but I don't believe it. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks ## The tremors are actually listed as a fairly common side effect, according to the FDA. They also list the possibility of it causin...

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I have been on lexapro 30 mg for 5 years- enough is enough so I switched to pristiq 50 mg- that is the lowest dose of pristiq and what I want to be on after being tired of side effects- how long should withdrawal symptoms last- it's day 12 without any lexapro and day 12 of 50 mg pristiq and I feel awful. ## At this point, you are probably experiencing withdrawal effects from stoping the Lexapro, as well as side effects from starting the Pristiq, so it may take a couple weeks for things to settle back down and for you to feel better. Has there been any improvement, yet? The FDA lists the typical side effects of Pristiq as possibly including dizziness, drowsiness, anxiety, vision changes and loss of libido. ## The price of lexapro really got me, but I found it only costs $8 with an RX...

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Hello, This is my first day of lexapro and I took 10 mg this afternoon. About 2 hours later I had awful diarrhea, and the nausea has been with me on and off all day. I think I may just start with 5mgs? Would that help me ease into this? I have terrible IBS when I'm nervous so this side effect isn't helping me. I took a zofran and 1mg Ativan to help me calm down from all the diarrhea (I have a fear of the stomach flu), but then I read the diarrhea and nausea are actually side effects of lexapro. Anyone else experience this? Also hot flashes today which is weird because I'm usually cold. ## Yes, those can be side effects of this medication, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and weight changes. However, they typically go away with ...

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I am on my 15th day on escitalopram 10mg I have been sleeping normal hours but also taking phenergen before bed but last night took a while to go to sleep and slept all night and till 1pm today also having bad acid reflux. still depressed and anxious but not as bad. will the reflux go away as I had reflux with avanza for 5 years and stopped taking avanza 12mths ago and the reflux was nearly gone too.I suffered really bad with reflux and don't want to go through that again. Any info would be great ## Hello, Binnie! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem that you're having. It's hard to say if such a symptom will go away, or not. Most side effects do, but there's no way to know for sure. The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, ...

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I have been taking Lexapro for 2 years and have decided that is enough. My doctor suggests taking 1 tablet every 2nd day for 2 weeks, and then one every third day for 2 weeks. 10mg. Not sure this is the right way about it. ## Hello, Stephen! How are you? That is the modern preferred tapering method for such a medication. The FDA lists the typical withdrawal effects as possibly including nausea, fever, chills, diarrhea, rebound depression and rebound anxiety. Have you started his plan, yet? It should help to minimize the withdrawal symptoms.

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Hi guys I've been on 30 mg of lexapro and the side effects of fatigue and tiredness have not gone away after 4 years. I just kinda dealt with it but now I wanna switch medicine. My dr offered me Zoloft or pristiq. I have social anxiety and OCD and GAD. Any suggestions would be helpful or if you switched to another medicine and it helped. Thanks and God Bless ## Hello, John! How are you? I've taken Zoloft before and found it to work quite well, though it can cause drowsiness, as a side effect, I found that to only last a short period of time. The worst issue that I've known most people to have with it is weight gain. The FDA lists other possible side effects as including nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. Can anyone that's on Pristiq chime in? ## John, I have trie...

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Is there a way of getting Lexapro or the generic form free if one doesn't have any money? I'm asking this question for a friend who lives in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is in desparate need of medication and has a prescription that he can't fill because of minimal income. All his money goes to rent and food with nothing left over. I look forward to a response. ## Unfortunately, we are based in the U.S., so I don't have any information on what programs, if any, are available in South Africa. Has he tried asking his doctor, or a pharmacist/chemist? They should have some idea of what might be available to help him. ## Good Morning . I have a condition called neurofibromas who's is leaving me in agony continually . I have many tumas I my spine that are growin . I am b...

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Hi guys hoping to get some advice here, I was out on lexapro after a pretty bad pannick attack from medication in as given by a doctor that dehydrated me and put me in the ER. I took 10mg of generic Lexapro at 10mg for a bit over a week and was so tired that it was hard to stay awake, spoke to the doctor and he said to switch to 5mg which I did for about a week the we cut down to 2.5mg for about a week then cut it down to half of that pill for about 4 days. After doing this I cut it down to half of that pill for 3 days. During this time of cutting down each dose I had a few symptoms as In slight anxiety not much, nervousness, minor headaches which got stronger for a few days then went away, brain fog, depersonalization and just a alone feeling. Within the time I had been on it I have lo...

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I have been on 30 mg of lexapro for years and it has worked great for mg anxiety and obsessive thoughts, I have been on 10 and 20 before but 30 seemed to work but it has been a couple years, however I am tired and need to sleep 9-10 hours consistently to feel good, I was wondering if lowering to 25 mg you think would be just as good for Anxiety and thoughts and maybe make me a little less tired? And any withdrawals dripping down 5 mg, thanks guys and let me know! ?? ## Hello, John! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem you're having sleeping. However, after being on it for years, the Lexapro should no longer be causing such a side effect. The FDA lists its typical ones as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes, but they usually only last ...

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Hello, thanks for having this site. So, I have a couple things going on which I am trying to get handled with my Doc. Along with the fact that I have not being taking my generic brand of Lexapro consistently. Really Dumb. I know. I was taking it, then forgetting. Now, I am getting a pins and needles feeling in my face and really in other areas too, achy flu like symptoms and being emotional and very anxious. Any of these symptoms sound familiar with withdrawal? My anxiety is so high that I am very paranoid it's M.S. or something. Sorry for sounding nuts. Thank you again for your input. ## Hello, Amy! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems you've been having. In order to be having withdrawal symptoms, you'd need to have been taking it consistently for a long period of ...

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Started taking Lexapro about 5 days ago after being on celexa a few years. it seemed to not be working. Have a funny feeling in neck and a dry throat. I can't tell if this is anxiety about the new drug. I don't want to give up on it, but feel nervous. ## Hello, Fay! How are you? You are likely experiencing some withdrawal effects from stopping the Celexa, coupled with the side effects of starting the Lexapro. Things should balance back out in a couple weeks, once your body adjusts. Typical side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache and weight changes. If your symptoms get worse, or you find them concerning, please feel free to contact your doctor or post back with more questions. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Anyo...

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I've been on lexapro 20 mg for more than ten years and, for a variety of reasons, am tapering off of it. Over the past 15 months, through an extremely slow and painful process, I've gotten down to 7.5 mg. For some reason I don't seem to be able to get further. I'm using liquid right now and taking 7 mg and it's unbearable. I don't know how half a milligram makes such a difference. Any tips on getting out of this hole and keeping on with progress? ## Hello, Sophia! How are you? I'm sorry about what you're going through. Have you spoken to your doctor? They may be able to prescribe something to help with the withdrawal effects, until your past the worst of them, such as Klonopin or Ativan. The FDA classifies those medications as benzodiazepines, so they car...

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I was diagnosed with MS in 2008 and have panic and anxiety disorder. I was put on lexapro in 2009 and have been on it for six years and it has so helped with my anxiety and panic, I do still get anxiety if I over do it, but I am able to brush it off easily. I would say it helps OK with depression, and due to weight gain, which I'm sure my MS does not help with that it kinda makes it worse but bearable cause I do well wanting to go out and do things. Well, I decided to wean off under my doctor's supervision in April just to see what would happen and he put me on a very long and safe taper. When I got down to just taking 5mg every other day, the panic attacks and depression started to creep back on. I decided I can't handle this on top of my MS so again, under my doctor's ...

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Hi. I have been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks for over 10 years now. I didnt want to be on medication, but finally decided that i cant live with this anymore. It has taken over my life! Well.. To make a long story short, my Dr. Prescribed me lexapro 10mg .. Been taking it for 3 days now. Is is normal to feel even more anxiety than before? This is torture! ## Hello, Wendy! How are you? Yes, that is normal and usually happens for about the first 3 weeks, off an on, upon starting one of these types of medications. However, if it gets too severe, you should inform your doctor. The FDA lists the other typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thank you Verwon, I ...

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