I Have Wkly Urines Done By My Po And Last Night Couldnt Sleep Si Took An Exra Ambien 10mg Will This Show In Urine (Top voted first)


I currently take generic ambien 10mg, xanax 1mg 3 times a day, nuerontin 300mg 3 times a day, effexor xr 75mg 2 times a day, and duragesic patch 50mcg every 3 days...I couldnt sleep last night so at 7am this morning I took an extra ambien. I am also taking wkly drug/urines tests for my probation officer...will this extra ambien I took this morning show up in my urine? I test every wednesday and today is monday....if my medication levels go up I will go to jail. Please can someone answer this for me asap?

5 Replies

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No, Ambien contains the active ingredient Zolpidem, it is a type of sedative hypnotic and is not something that is tested for on standard drug tests.

Learn more Ambien details here.

You do, however, need to be careful when you take it, as it can cause some hangover like effects later, so you have to make sure to take it when you have a full 7 to 8 hours to sleep afterwards.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Yes, i need to know if i take more xanax than prescribed to me ( i currently take 1mg 3x a day) will my po be able to tell that i have taken more tan i should have? Ive been taking xanax for about 4 yrs now..same dosage..but i get wkly urines done and in this wk i have taken an extra 4mg. Pls tell me if this will show in my wkly urine, this is the last one i have to take thank God!

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I take ambien "zolpedem" every night for sleep. I am under doctors care with it. Last week I took it earlier then I was suppose to. about 7pm, got up and drove to my daughters about 1030pm. Got stopped by the cops. I was honest with them, that I do take medicine. They ran blood work. Because I admitted to Zolpedem, is this what they will automatically find. Or is it requested. And because I do have a prescription to take it, will the courts understand that. I could still can get a DUI for it?

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Depends on the which drug test you're given. Ambien is not a benzodiazepine. It's classified as a hypnotic drug. Does your PO administer the test right then and there? Or do you go to a lab or hospital? The instant version will only check for 7-10 of the most common drugs...give or take a few. If you had the test that needs to be sent out to a lab, they are still only looking for those same 7-10 drugs. But if for some reason your PO wants to have a more in-depth look, they can request the lab test for anything. Be aware though...the instant test won't always detect a particular drug, while the lab may be positive for it. Lab results always trump the instant test. Good luck! I wouldn't be too worried if I was you!

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Well rejoice! While some meds have different levels of concentration, such as marijuana, other meds are either positive or negative.

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