How Long Does It Take Hydrocodone To Get Out Of Your System For A Urine Test? (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I was wondering how long hydrocodone stays in your system for a urine test? I took three on Sunday before 2 and have a drug test Tuesday at 2. If I drink alot of water will it help. I have a prescription for ocycodone so that's all I want to show up. Thanks.

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Ah good for you. Methadone saved me. Due to major abuse during childhood I really needed something to take the edge off. As it was I got hep a and then b to the point of near death. After a few years I went down 1 mg a week for a year. It still was hard a few weeks before I was off, and for a month I felt so exhausted I didn't want to walk across the room. But I did it and was clean for a very long time, plus did counseling and antidepressants. Until I developed a chronic pain issue. I've not done too bad, for the last year I haven't run out early until this month. My question is, I've heard if you have chronic pain issues they refuse to give you methadone. That scares me, plus my doctor has said repeatedly that I need more pain meds but he is sick of doing the paperwork, so I get 4 percs a day now. I'm getting woefully inadequate treatment of the pain, and under extreme stress of a divorce atm. I'm about ready to go off the deep end. Do you know if they refuse treatment to a legal addict due to pain? Thanks.

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I took a norco 10 this morning today is sunday i have a drug test on Wednesday will it show up if so what can i do to pass it please help

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If you took 4 hydrocodone 10/325 how long will it take to get out of your system if you take a urine test.

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I took about 20 hydrocodones on Sunday the last one was at 12 o'clock have a urine test on tomorrow at 12 o'clock will it show up somebody please help me

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I have taken one hydrocodon 7.5 today and just found out I got a drug test in 85 hours should I be ok

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If I took Norco 5mg ..2 yesterday and 1 at 9 am today got a random urine drug test at 4p today will I test positive

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If I took a few doses of hydrocodone tablets. How long would it take to get out of my urine system?

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I have a urine test at 10 am tomorrow, if I took a 7.5 hydo lastnight and I take a 7.5 tonihgt at 8pm will i test positive for opiates?

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My boyfriend of 12 years overdosed on. Methadonethat he was prescribed by his family doctor he had previous history of heroin use please be very careful with this it was horrible finding him dead and even worse for our five year old daughter

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I take Norco every day for pain management. ..I have occasionally taken oxycodone during flare ups and Xanax during my aunts funeral. ...I have prescription for all. ..will I pass a hair follicle test since I have prescription?

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You're so right. My ex died from drinking and taking one methadone. Vomited in his sleep and suffocated on it.

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Ok so I took a whole narco10 around 10:00 and a half of another at 12:00 Thursday..the next day I took a half of narco 10 at 5:00 and drank 4 teaspoons of tynol with Codeine ... I took my urine test on Tuesday at 12:00 for cps ... ( on Monday I took a 20$ drug test from Walmart ) it said I passed .. and another Tuesday morning (said I passed again) .... do you think I passed my test for cps ??? Someone help

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Any time urin is In motion to kick us down. Just flush ur system ASAP. Water and 100 percent cranberry juice. No additives. And pee a lot before ur test. 3 day flush works

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This is ridiculous, xanax has one of the fastest half lives of any drug at around 12 hours per half life. Xanax will not show up on a urine test past a week EVER.

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Oh no they didn't. Sister still takes them. They are just called Norco now-lower dose of acetaminophen

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I have a ua drug test for a job tomorrow. I took a 5mg norco yesterday around 1. I will go and take the test at 3:30 tomorrow. Should I pass? Also, I only take every now and then when I can't handle the pain.

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I have only taken one 10/325 hydrocodone. When will it be out of my system?

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How long does it take to get 1 mg Xanax and 7.5 mgs of hydrocodone (twice a day) out of my system? I have an appointment with my pain management doctor in 2 days.

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I took a 10 and a 7.5 norco around 5pm i have a drug screen tomoro at 4 will i test positive?

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I took 3 hydrocodones, 5-325 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. Will i,pass a drug test Tuesday afternoon? I have a legal prescription but in my profession it does not matter. Thanks

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