How Long Does Xanax Stay In Your System If You Crush Them (Page 2)


I took 6 xanax on monday and I go to my suboxone doctor friday morning will they be out of my system by then?

51 Replies (3 Pages)

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I'm also on subxone if I take xanax today will it be out by next Tuesday for a drug test at my subxone Dr took 4 Poles last night to sleep and gonna do the same tonight but what can I do so it don't show up I also take temezepam which is a benzo will he know the differance on what I took since they test it in the office plz someone with experience with doing this let me know thanks so much

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I go to a sub doc once every two weeks and would love to take some sticks or football's between and from what I'm hearing I would test clean.

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I took 25mg of Xanax will 10 days be long enough for it to get out of my urine for my sub doctor.

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That's w/ valium. Xanax should be out in 3-4 days.

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I have taken xanax for over 2 years... On a daily basis I was taking 4 mg a day and when I would run out of xanax I would take 1mg klonopin . In October I had a problem w my insurance and had to start tapering myself off! I did it too quick at first . I went straight to .5 mg xanax a day and it was horrible! I was jerking while laying in bed could not sleep but 2 hours a night. Now it's the end of January and I finally tapered to .125 klonopin for 3 days finally had nothing for 3 days. I had to take a urine screen and it had been 76 hours with nothing ! I passed the drug screen and they send them to a lab!!! After that 3rd day I thought my head was going to blow up it hurt so bad and with no sleep I had to take .5 mg xanax just to feel ok snd get some sleep ... I'm still takin small amount a day just to get by... That just goes to show you everyone is different but if your on a low dose my doctor told me 3 days! Hope this helps someone...

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Nobody : I believe you! I take a urine drug screen every week and it is sent to a lab. I stop taking xanax or klonopin 3 days before and always pass!!! So whoever doesn't believe who cares ... Note I've been taking benzo for over 2 years ...

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I have to take benzos for my panic attacks if I take a valium or klonopin it stays in my system for 6-8 weeks if I take xanax or lorazepam it's out of my system within 2-3 days but every person is different.. but I have learned in my meetings for my suboxone not to drink energy drinks the day of ur drug test because it could give your test false positive

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Yes. Drinking water will do the trick. Avoid fatty foods to help as well. I have been drug tested for years and have been able to even clear marijuana out of my system in four days just by drinking three liters of water a day. A gallon a day will work for sure and not all at once, drink a lot of pure cranberry too. Marijuana is one of the harder drugs to clear from your system so this will also work for pills. Caution: Do not drink so much water that you make yourself sick, be careful of water toxicity, you can die from drinking too much water. Google: water toxicity. Good Luck

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Hi I'm prescribed 2mg Xanax (=1 bar) daily - I also take roxys & subs - not perscribed. I want to see a sub dr - how long will it take Xanax to be out of my system? Also will sub dr detect subs in my urine when I go?

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Yes boxes will show in ur test.

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I go to a pain clinic and go back this Thursday. They gave me a drug test the first time I went and I took half a xanax this morning and a whole the night before. Will that show up in my drug test if they give me one?

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Great info thanks ppl, I too get tested and am at a subby clinic.

Going to give the 3 days and lots of water the test

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Yes they will, I take them for 25 days & mine are out by the 30th day. .Every month, 2 mlg a day..doing nothing special, no drinking excess water, I'm not active..

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Simple question, hoping for a simple answer.
Back story - I am graduating from college Friday. I have to give a speech (approximately 10-12 min long) to a an audience of about 700. I am terrified!! I have never spoken in front of more than 15-20 people, and even then I suffer from tachycardia, facial flushing, and muscle weakness. I want to be able to give this speech without passing out or pissing my pants.
A friend of mine has given me a single 1mg (blue) tablet of Xanax and has instructed me to take it one hour prior to march time. I have a job interview on the 26th (the 15th is the swallow Xanax date) and can not fail a urine drug screen.
Two questions.
1.) Will the Xanax help calm me enough to successfully give a speech without totally spacing me out? Is it worth taking?
2.) Will this 1mg Xanax cause me to fail a urine drug screen approximately 11 days after ingesting it?

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You might pass, you might fail. Most of the replies you read here are from drug addicts. Is it worth possibly losing that job. For that matter what if they test hair or blood. Also what if they ask have you ever used drugs illegally. Finally what if you are caught carrying this pill on your person. Cops are trained to feel for pills and attempt to locate them hidden on your person. One pill can land you in jail, no question about it unless you have the bottle with you in your name. Do your speech and do not use drugs from friends!

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Between yesterday n today I've taken 6 purples like a nub. I forgot I have a urine test on Tues. I drink lots of water, and have been out side sweating like crazy. Should I be nervous? I'm a thin guy with a fast metabolism. Any ideas?

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80 hours and it will be out of your system I talked to my doctor and 3 different pharmacists about it

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I took two 1mg xanax on Friday at 2pm and got urine tested Wednesday at 12pm but I was completely clean before I took the two xanax on Friday will I pass??? It was a few hours short of 5 days and I'm only 110lbs?

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I just got out of jail on July 31 I took 1xanx Tuesday night but I might have a drug test Friday afternoon will I be okay??

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27 days will be fine just don't take any more . I take 3 bars a day Dr prescribed ...

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