How Long Does Heroin Stay In Your System? (Page 6) (Top voted first)


If I took 1 small dose of Heroin on Wednesday afternoon at 4 pm. Will I be clean for my drug test on Monday at 5 pm? I'm giving it 5 days. Is that enough time to pass my drug test?

116 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: GRACE (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Of course he is still using. Theres no way even if he had the slowest metabolism in
world history he would test positive after 2 weeks of not using! He's lying to you and is obviously NOT ready to quit. Nothing you can do will make him ready until HE is ready. All your doing is putting a wedge between you and making him feel forced to lie to you.

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Re: slbur (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

You should really research addiction. Ignorance isn't a good look.

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Re: GRACE (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I would say he is still using, maybe not as much but I believe he still is period two weeks is a long time and he should be clean by then. You can call your local pharmacy and ask them questions as well.

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Re: Nova (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

The baby will be born having severe withdrawal symptoms... Is this what you want?!

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Re: kips (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Here is a tip... Don't use heroin while you're pregnant

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I have been taking it almost everyday for roughly 3 long will it take to get the heroin out of my system? Thanks in advance for the advice.

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Actually.. If you look into and do your research on heroin.. I gaurentee that you will NOT be able to find any LONG TERM effects. Babies born to mothers on heroin are fine IF the mother kept her nutrition up. Heroin does NOT harm the body like meth and crack. Heroin is way more natural than crack, meth, all that s***. Humor me and find info on how heroin damages the body. All you'll find is that you can get abcesses from needles and hear falieur and hep c and aids but thats all from sharing needles or having unprotected sex. Please, please, please someone find me some SOLID scientific studdies out there explainning how bad heroin is for the body. My email is {edited for privacy}

The worlds view on heroin is so wrong. You can lead a healthy, happy, productive life if you dont have to withdrawl, go look up the heroin centers un Europe. They have turned full blown junkies into store managers, its actually better for you than methadone is, how funny is that?? Our gov is giving something to us that is MORE addictive MORE dangerous and causes harm to our bodies. Methadone sucks the calcium out of your bones. Heroin doesnt.

Please email me with proof and maybe i will change my mind. In all honesty that girls baby will probably be more laid back, more intellegent and happier than most kids out there. Oh and did i mention, more creative too? Yeah, drugs expand your mind. Go try some heroin and then tell me just how bad it really is lol.

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I smoked h last night. will I be clean today if I have to test by 5pm? ive drank lotts of water and sweated very bad from exercise?

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First off, f*** teen challenge. I went to rehab with an open mind and actually gave it a shot, stayed in a halfway house that was pretty much rehab for 2 years, graduated that, and it still didnt work. im not near as bad off as I was before I went to rehab. But I never tried heroin back in the day and I love it now. People are so damn dumb about drug tests. I had SO much s*** in my system. I had heroin, coke and a large amount of marijuana. I should have a dirty U/A for sure. But I literally drink 64 oz of water a day, cranberry juice to help you urinate more, and a lot of vitamins, I passed that drug test in 2 damn days. Be smart, a lot of y'all are sketching over nothing.

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What are you using heroin for while you're pregnant? Get it together girl you're crossing the line ... I hope you failed

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Re: kips (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

What a ****, taking heroin and pregnant... bloody shame on you.

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I've done this myself and it's worked but I have also found out that Co-codamol bought over the counter not on purscription has codeine and opioids in and benylin has morphine in both of these will cause a positive drug test so if your test does come back positive you can say you have taken 1 or both of these items just don't say anything be4 ur test as they will test 4 benoforaze which is used 2 cut heroin

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My girl is going thru the same thing...she keeps lying to me saying shes clean but u know how u can always tell when someone u love is hi...especially after 7 years together...the baby is coming soon and I'm worried about an acs case...wut can she do to quit and fast

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have been using heroin i.v since i was ten years old thanks to my living situation back then,and it has been 15 plus years i have been using it ever since daily.A bad day of scoring for me is 200$,a good day i can do up to 600 average.(yes this is possible for the twinkies who think you can only do like 100 a day or so)I have been on methadone for over 7 years now,my first places did supervised,now this one does not,.yes the easiest way when unsupervised is getting someone to pee in a cup for you and transfer it to your cup when you get to the clinic.But what made me want to comment was someone said even as a regular user it usually wont show up after about 7 days or so.This is not true at all in some cases,because mine and my mans can still show up for over 12 days sometimes just from piss tests.Its different with everyone,so dont make a general assumption after 7 days itll be fine and dandy.Synthetic urine is ok too and if you are a man yes they have some pretty elaborate kits,but has anyone mentioned they have kits for girls where it looks like they are peeing too?In fact we have an oldschool method of using hooping,in where we will take a little bag with urine,make the very very tiniest indent not enough to leak though only enough to leak with pressure,we can push down with our fingers on our bladder and it will pop or you can put your finger near the hole and pushif they ask why you are doing that tell them your tampon is stuck,they dont ask after that .remember everyone is different,yes its an ok idea to excerisce drink water etc but thats not always going to work.and by the way,i once had to use my mans urine for a test his results showed neg mine showed pos,it happens.

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I took a dose of heroin friday night like 10pm. I have a urine test tomorrow thurs @4:30. Should I pass? I have passed before in as little as 3 days but a few weeks ago I did it on a wedsday and failed the test on a monday so im not even sure anymore it's always took me three days to pass

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Hi I'm getting a full blood exam done soon its for my pregnancy. Do you think heroin use will show? How many days does it take to get it out of your system? Two or Four dsays without using. I really don't want heroin use to show.

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