Help With My Pain Medication (Top voted first)


Hello, my name is susan. I saw a doctor for fifteen years and missed an appointment in september when i had terrible migraines for four days. Somehow my stepmother discharged me because she is the director of nursing?? I can't find many doctors to take me because i'm on tncare right now. can anyone tell me of a physician in maryville or knoxvile, tn. that will prescribe this for me without going to a pain clinic. Susan

5 Replies

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Hi Susan,

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. What pain medication are you hoping to get a prescription for? If you let me know, I can surely do some research and try to offer some suggestions as to where you might be able to go to get what you need.

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hello jen. i was on oxycodone 15mg 4x day. but at the least percocet 10//32mg 4xday would be find. thanks for your help

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hello jen. I sent a reply but i sent it wrong. i was on oxycodone 15mg. But even percocet 10/325 would help. I'm trying to find a new primary care doctor that will take and prescribe me this so i don't have to go to a pain clinic. I tried it and they wouldn't help me. Thanks for your help.

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Hello Jen and thanks for your help. I was on oxycodone 15mg 4 times a day. But even percocet 10/325mg 3 or 4 times a day would help. I went to a pain clinic and got no help. I don't want to go through all that again. I'm needing help finding a primary care doctor in maryville or knoxville, tn. to help me that will take me as a new patient on Thanks again

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Hello Jen. I sent a reply days ago. I don't guess you got it. I was on oxycodone 15mg 4 times a day but I would almost settle for percocet 10/325. I went to a pain clinic and got no help. I don't want to go through that again. I need a primary care doctor to prescribe this. I know their out there I just don't know who will take me as a new patient on tncare. I have called so many that were suggested that are taking new patients but wont take me because of tncare insureance. Thanks for your help.

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