Getting Off Flomax (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been on Flomax for over ten years. I also have had the side effects: stuffy nose all year long, thickness in the throat, some problems with retrograde emissions, and lightheadedness.. I have read about the side effects and decided that I would try and get off Flomax and just use saw palmetto, which I have also been using off and on over the years. I have been off the drug now for about three weeks and am finally I hope getting to the end of the drug withdrawal symptoms: bladder pain I assume from spasms, other intestinal and abdominal pain, some nervousness, problems urinating (getting going, stopping and starting, weak stream). The good part though is that overall I feel a lot better. I continue to take saw palmetto along with zinc. I am hoping I never have to go back on that drug or a similar one and can control my prostate naturally. I have BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia.

31 Replies (2 Pages)

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I was on flomax for a kidney stone, took it for about 3 weeks until the side effects were just too much. I had diarrhea every day, headaches, sometimes chest pain, and retrograde emissions. I stopped taking it and felt anxious, and I've had a sore throat for at least a week now. Is this normal?

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Dr put my husband on flowmax for enlarged prostate once a day but he stopped taking it he has 3, mos worth should he had stopped on his own

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Re: Jim (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

How do you stop taking flomax on a day to day basis, I have been on it 10 days

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Re: Dr D J M (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Please tell me why you can't stop taking Flomax cold turkey? I stopped cold turkey 5 days ago (Doctor said I could) and now my testicles are swollen and sore...Is that a side effect from quitting cold turkey??? Should I start back on Flomax and then wean myself off??? Going to have to contact my doctor soon I guess...I am 64 years old and been on Flomax longer than I can remember...Started Avadart recently and blood pressure dropped and was getting dizzy, so I called into my health provider and got permission to quit the Avadart and then a week later went for a check up and got permission to stop the Flomax...

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How long do retrograde emissions last after stopping Flomax? I used Flomax four weeks before stopping. Side effects are not to my liking.

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I'm trying to determine now just how long it takes to get this poison called Flomax out of my system? A good friend recently revealed to me that it took him 3 weeks at least. This prescription is a most effective "chemical castration". There is no sensation left in my genitalia and I have experienced ED for months.

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Re: bouledoux (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

im going through the same thing right now. did this ever resolve? i'm pretty terrified right now. it's been two weeks so far.

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I took testeeflowchclicaciorcal for about a week before shifting over to floraxosheen and now my Ben & Jerry drains and flips around like a snapping turtle coming out to eat

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You obviously have not been on it

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I would like to know how to cut back . I was on two a day and for the last 3 days one a day. What do I do now so I DO NOT SHUT DOWN but get completely off fLOMAX.

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WTF...there is no getting off these drugs! They are not narcotics! They are not addictive! There isnt even any psychological addiction anywhere in this process. Get real.

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