Etodolac Side Effect (Top voted first)


Has anyone experienced extremely severe charlie horses/cramps in their legs and ankles while on this drug? I had to stop taking it because the pain from the cramping was horrible. Is this a known side effect?

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can this med cause bad diareia

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I havent noticed cramping in my legs but at one point of taking it there have been a few times it has given me severe stomach cramps. You're supposed to take it with food and or milk and i did maybe i ate light thoes days but I've gotten stomach cramps from this drug.

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Yes, Etodolac has been known to cause muscle pain, muscle twitches, and cramps as side effects, along with the stomach cramping, stomach ulceration, heartburn, diarrhea and nausea, that the FDA warns about.

Etodolac Information

However, you should always consult your doctor to be sure of what's causing your symptoms, since they could also be unrelated to this medication.

Tyler, this is a very potent NSAID, so it should never be taken on an empty stomach, and always with a full, 8 ounce, glass of water.

Is there anything I can help with?

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