Cost Of Suboxone (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Have no insurance. Where can I fill my Suboxone prescription cheap? Paying 320 dollars for a 30 day supply - 8mg

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Here in FL, the cost of suboxone tablets and films, is exteremly high. $12.49 per strip. You can always get one suboxone out at a time. Or two, or five. The more you get, the lower the price drops. But barely! They are expensive and the way I can almost guaruntee they look at it, is if you can afford a drug habbit everyday, then you should be able to pay for the medication to get clean. Stupid, but true! So to all you $7 and $8 complainers, lol, yes it sux but you are not alone and actually saving money compared to others around the US.

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How do i e-mail you joey? I don't see the option...

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Hey Jewel. Hope you are still sober and living happily. Anyways, I found a program through the suboxone company called ''. You (& your doctor) fill it out and basically if you're having financial difficulties or don't make much money at your job, they will give you (if you qualify) a card sponsored by HereToHelp and for me, mind you, I recieved my Suboxone(2/day then) absolutely free. The catch is it's offered for just one year and you can only get it once in your lifetime. If you can get on that, and it doesn't take too awfully long(2 weeks, tops) to process it, that'll give you a year to figure something out. Hell, maybe by next summer, these stupid, yet beautiful and life-saving things will be much cheaper. Good luck Sweetheart. Keep it clean. Oh, sorry. And the phone number for HereToHelp is:866-973-4373 and I "THINK" the number to get the form for the free card is: 888-898-4818.

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It took me at most a week from the initial phone call to receiving my card ID numbers. That's not long at all. I was approved right over the phone. The trick is having them FAX not mail the paperwork. I save $400 a month now. That's $1200 every three months, I consider a spending a couple minutes on the phone over the course of a business week well worth the money I saved. The only downfall is that the Here to Help assistance maximum is only a year and I have a two year plan. Hopefully I can get Medicaid assistance. Oh and another thing, say I started insurance coverage tomorrow all I have to do is call here to help and they suspend the assistance so if you ever loose your insurance you can still have coverage through Bennett renickers program. It's worth it guys!

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People of this thread:

I got some news from my psychiatrist last week that a generic suboxone (Pill Form) will be on the market relatively soon. However, he did say that the 1st generic manufactuer of the suboxone tablet would have exclusive rights to the generic for 6 months I believe. This means that the price of the generic will likely still be high...However, once their 6 months exclusivity deal is over, the market then become a free for all. Other companies will start making it, hence competion, hence the price will hopefully come down. Dont take this as the gosphel but my psychiatrist did tell me to be on the look-out.

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Yes, Suboxone is an expensive medication, even if you do have some type of health insurance coverage. Only a select number of doctors can prescribe it to a limited number of patients, giving them the power to set their prices as high as they like. No, it doesn't seem fair but these are just the facts of life.

I would just like to mention something that should hopefully put things in perspective. How much did you spend EVERY single DAY in order to support you habit? I'm sure for the vast majority it is well over the cost of your doctors visit and the $250-400 a month you are spending on your legally prescribed Suboxone prescription.

All pharmacies will let you pick up partial prescriptions if it is easier to break up the cost over the course of the month. And just about any doctor that prescribes this medication should be able to provide with discount cards/coupons that you can use with or without insurance.

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Edgar, this is Ash from Ohio. I had an appointment at a place set up for you in your area. Did it not work out?

Hope you're doing well...

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Ummmm I'm sorry but I happen to work and I work very hard , I have worked my f***ing entire life and hard . Don't talk to me about tax dollars. I pay enough on my property and on people that get this med for free every month and who misuse it. Don't assume people don't work and you paying for them , cause I'm in the same boat . U think I ain't paying for these people to get their meds while I suffer , they go to ER everyday , u think I can even see a dr without being charged ridiculously while they get everything for nothing . Hahahah wow you are dumb to sit there and think I haven't paid in enough . Lemme tell u they owe me . They owe me . I tell u I paid in my entire life for these people that live on the system. Please go someplace else and not here because you will never know wat it's like to be on this med your whole life and hate every minute of it.

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That's right u are correct thanks for the gratitude today , I needed it . I never wanna have to use any system to get meds , but the bottom line I need them so I gotta pay for them . My point is it's a struggle but I kno I have to stay healthy no matter the cost . Thanks I'll continue to work hard in my
Life hahahhahah

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I have googled docs and called doc offices still no help is there some kind of hot line or 800# that would help and I have insurance through gateway so if u have Any ideas pleez help I was on methadone for six years n got kicked off so to not be sick I had to go back to bad habbits and I'm a mom I need to be well for my kids so I want to go on suboxone so i can lead a normal life again

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I used to get the strips i was paying 7.60 a piece from CVS with a prescription card and switched over the the generic tabs and now iam just paying 3.80 a pill... This card has saved me hundreds a month hope it helps you all as much as it did me!!!

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Instead of suboxone tell your dr to give you subutex its 8 mg of buprinorfine without the naloxone in it which suboxone has in it its sort of like a generic..I paid $750 for 90 suboxone film compared to $140 for 90 subtext (buprinorfine) NYC prices

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Captain H, thanks for putting the C word hag in her place.

Shawn, great to hear but how about not acting like a D because you get yours free and people like me pay out of pocket 500 a month.

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Hey not to burst your bubble, but getting your hands on the illegal drugs is much easier than the ones to get you off them. I am disgraced and disgusted that Suboxone costs anyone this much $$$. I can understand a small fee but the insurance companies gladly pay of the opiate drugs which get you addicted but won't pay for the drugs to help stop the addiction? Then the healthcare laws make it nearly impossible for me to help get these drugs for my girlfriend in the first place. HIPA/FDA/DOA are always excuses from the doctors offices when I try to call to get her this medication to get off H! Then they apologize when I tell them it's easier to score black than get this medication.

Anyway, Walgreens sold it for about $230 for a 30 day (30 films) 8mg with the discount card its about $6 a day. And for the love of gawd, if you post...please give pharmacy name, prescription levels, qty and costs to help others find the best place to go much unnecessary chatter and misinformation on this subject...

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I'm single and my yearly income is considered below the poverty level. I actually sat down with an insurance agent friend of mine and went all thru the healthcare gov site looking for the best plan for me. When it was all said and done I pay 130.00 month. For 45 subs/month including 50 dollar card it cost me 235.00.

It kind of made me laugh. I,m not poor but in the eyes of the goverment I am because I,m not making 45 grand and up yearly. The only thing I like about Obamacare is that I got insurance with a pre existing condition. I,ll be needing to have some surgery done in the future.

Hey TJDavis, I don't know if a pharmacy will sell you subs individualy with a script. They might sell you 3-5 days at a time if you find one that will work with you.

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My girlfriend has CalOptima and it didn't cover the prescription. Now we didn't go through her primary doctor (who is horrible as I expect many of these doctors are going to be under ObummerCare) so perhaps if a primary is willing to subscribe these, then you may get it paid for...but they seem to shy away from anything that is difficult or thing you can get under his care is 800mg Advil...

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Ash- my lol was at the name Obummer care. Not the person. You presume to know my thoughts now???

And you've got a cool little victim complex going, but spreading misinformation isn't fair to people.

Others on this same forum have validated that their insurance is covering their care and meds.

I believe in making things work FOR you, not sitting back and convincing others that they cant. That's self-defeating.

If information contributed doesn't help you personally, ok. Ignore it.

But don't try to keep others believing that they absolutely can't get what they need because it IS out there.

Don't assume you know anything about me personally.

Also, you don't decide the thread topic. It's called COST OF SUBOXONE, not find a doctor.

Threads meander according to user needs.

I have been polite to you. I apologized when you got upset. I've been responsive to others.

I think you've got an Obama care thorn in your side. It seems to me that you've been rude, hostile and really inappropriate to me.

Why don't we just call a truce? Let it go... call peace and move on.

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Yes the Here to Help requirements are slightly different. I was a thankful patron of it for the allowed term of a year.

1) it is only approved if you have absolutely no insurance, if you get coverage at any time, you must call and have them suspend it.

2) Each suboxone physician is only allowed three of their 100 patients covered under HTH at a time. Most doctors don't know if they've reached their patient max or not so your best bet is to call HTH and give physician info and they will know.

3) When I signed up your income level didn't matter, we were nowhere near the poverty level, I made fifteen an hour and spouse made over 16. But I did not have insurance and that was all that counted.

4) The filing process is super simple, you call, find out if your doctor has an opening, they'll offer to either mail or fax you the application, only two pages one for you and one for your doctor. I had them fax the same day to my docs office, filled out and faxed right back. I was covered within no more then a week, less if I remember correctly.

The number Sara supplied is correct. Just know that this coverage will only last a year, there are no extensions and the year is all your whole life so apply when you know you'll need it. It covers up to 90 a month like stated below. My doctors office told me for months they didn't have openings but I called HTH anyways and found out they had no one enrolled and I was the first, so just call, it certainly won't hurt anything.

Just a side note, if you're able to pay the script costs without putting you or your family in financial duress then let those who need the help utilize it.

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I just wanna say that I have a big time love/hate relationship with "Bupe." (Sigh). It truly is an amazing medication. For me it seems to have what I would perceive as antidepressant qualities. I feel absolutely NONE of the typical feelings I'd feel while using (ie dramatic as hell ups and downs, usually). I'm male and find it effects my libidio none at all if not, its possibly helpful (which hopefully its 2014 right? is not too much, lol) while pure agonist opiates certainly do and did its a crap side effect, and people on MMT apparently suffer the same unfortunate fate, its only bupe that is different. But it blocks euphoria from even booze for me, not kidding, and I find that annoying. I can't even get drunk on the stuff, it really has a way of jamming up those receptors man, o man. That said, a plus of that is I haven't drank hardly a drop in a long time and I use to be a big drinker. Love that warm relaxed buzzed feeling, my God who wouldn't! :). But sadly this feeling seems to be blunted, and I can only attribute it to subs, anecdotally because I was off for over a month and was able to get a euphoric drunk after awhile, so yup. BTW cannabis is simply the best and ahhh anyone who thinks otherwise oughta just keep it to themselves because they look like an ass. It is infinitely safer and more effective than SO many stupid man tweaked molecules, 0h the suffering vanity of man! We cannot purely deny nature, nor should we. Let's collectively move on from 3rd grade and begin to truly explore the medicinal potentials of this, and many other, amazing plants. Man I got off topic! My main points were 1) 8mg should be the highest dose one takes per day, 2) however it doesn't hurt for your doctor to think your on 12 or 16, for security purposes and to stretch the cost of each visit. My personal opinion is that suboxone, bupe, (but i find the strips the best, each their own), is a wonder drug, but you have to want to be on it, so think it over. Its definitely a MAJOR life decision that often gets made in haste. I don't regret it at all, personally. But, I know theres a chance I might have to have it on hand for rest of my life and I have, hopefully, a decent chunk of time ;). I don't beat myself for being on it anymore. It does not make me high at all, if anything simply normal, and I feel no ill side effects whatsover. A theory of mine is that the endogenous opiod and endogenous cannabinoid systems have yet to be truly understood and are at the forefront of what I believe will be the realization of meds to treat a wide variety of issues. Dealing with doctors is just a fact of my life now, and its annoying like a lousy ass new neighbor is annoying ~. It CAN be done, use O'bama. USE O'bamacare!! If you can't, if your doctor is overcharging...then stock up! Do what ya can, cuz if that s*** is really ruining your life, suboxone can be a true life boat, and it can save your ass. Lot's of negative rumors about it. To a lot of people who hate out there: try taking Prozac daily for a year and quit one day, and have fun. W/D is simply an innate aspect of medication, even some that have NO mental effects whatsoever. Its the body readjusting in the absence of an overabundance of a certain chemical, neurotransmitter, blah, blah, you get it, ah sure ya do. Anyway my friends my lovely friends be good to yourselves I'll try and do the same, adios for now ~!

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Exactly, right? Man how much did MOST people here waste on buying drugs, and now they complain about this when they'd spend 5x, generously at least, the price of the subs buying off the street within a week. $20/day is a relatively inexpensive opiate habit, I've known so damn many... so that would be $600 a month of just purely "getting by" cheaply and unglamorously, even with good luck/connection. A better number would be double that, more like $800, more like 40 bucks a day for the majority of users to maintain (and more, and more...). Keep in mind that if your short cashed, bupe is STRONG stuff, and most doctors are willing to write for 16-24mg/day no problem in the US. Even a BAD addict can get by just fine on like 4mg/day, even less. If your smart, you can make it very affordable, and for the love... its a helluva lot cheaper than scoring/using/ and thats just the money part, to say nothing of finally being trustworthy, not perennially broke, sick as hell or on cloud 9, constant stress of that life, the so so many dangers involved, the wasted time, it has to come to an end. Methadone is much more affordable but I seriously urge you to go the sub route, its a better med to be on for a lot of reasons IMO. Schlepping to a clinic every morning sounds like s*** to me. Go to the heretohelp site, get a discount, or very least get the generic subutex. I think the suboxone strips are better, but the little white generic bupe is cheap, and of course has to contain 8mg of bupe. A lot of people I know prefer them to suboxone anyway. I'm ranting sorry bout it. Just a "pet pieve" of sorts cuz its so worth it to get outta the "game."

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