Beige Round Pill With Alp Imprint And No Scoring (Top voted first)


I found a baggie of these small round beige pill with ALP on one side and nothing else, no scoring. I've looked online and cannot find out what it is. Can anyone help me?

5 Replies

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There is a round peach/white looking pill with all caps ALP that are a type of steroid called Winstrol. Does whoever had them work out a lot? If so, I'd say Winstrol is what you found.

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Its blood pressure meds from wut I found out....called almonidrine or sumtn like that. def spelled wrong. who's is it n wus it hidden ?

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yes it was hidden

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Actually, the ALP marking is commonly used on foreign version of generic Xanax pills, which contain Alprazolam, it is a Benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders.

However, with just that marking and the high probability that they are foreign, I have no way of knowing what the dosage is.


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Y would he hide em? Could b extasy...

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