Acemetacina 90 Mg (Top voted first)


My brother is taking this pill, he gets them when he's out of the country, he says they are for his back ?????

4 Replies

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Yes, those are manufactured by Bayer Mexico I believe. Acemetacina is a Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory (NSAI) which would be used to treat the back. I think similar drugs in the U.S. are either Acetaminophen or Naproxen but I might have the specific drug name translated wrong.

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I am in Zihuatanejo, mx. The traumatologist prescribed me RANTUDIL 60mg, which in effect is acemetacina, for elbow pain, which I acquired by accidentally smashing it on the side of a counter top. The dosis is one every 12 hrs. But, it does not seem to have any effect in reducing the pain.

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Acetaminophen, also known as Paracetamol, is a common pain reliever and fever reducer. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory.

Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness and stomach ulcers.

You can read more about it here:


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My husband had emergency back surgery in Mexico. Six months later, he was prescribed this by the same orthopedic surgeon for periodic use for back pain. His instruction is to take it, on an as needed basis, for 5 days. It works well for him.

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