Withdrawal Symptoms Stilpane

3 Topics Found

Is there anything I can use to help with withdrawal symptoms? I'm addicted to stilpane and I stopped once but the withdrawal symptoms were terrible, then I started again. I need help urgently. ## Hello, Zee! How are you? Please seek medical attention. These contain Acetaminophen and taking that much of it in a day creates the risk of toxicity, which has the potential to be fatal. You may already have done permanent damage to your liver. Have you had any stomach pain? Any yellowing of the skin? You're going to need to do a slow taper to be able to stop taking them. ## Hi verwon I'm greatful to your reply the doctors don't tell you these things they actually the ones giving you the meds for pain relief because I had my womb removed a couple of years ago it was extremely pa...

8 REPLIES Filed under Acetaminophen

I would like to add when I stopped I became severely ill I had flu symptoms,chest pains,extreme high blood pressure,nausea,vommiting, diahorea,hot and cold sweats,shivers, no appetite,dry eyes,I couldn't sleep at all my GP was of no help my heart was beating extremely fast I thought I was going to die then I started again after 5 days I'm trying to quit but its hard I'm doing it for about 8 yrs and using about 30 to 40 a day pls help I don't know what to do thanx ## Hi Zee! I am a former user of oxycodone and OxyContin. I was taking up to 39 oxycodone pills a day. I wanted to stop but I couldn't on my own. I went through severe withdrawals. So one day I became sick and tired of the cycle of addiction. I went on methadone for awhile then suboxone. I've been on sub...

8 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

If a person is addicted to Stilpane & takes between 20 - 40 tablets a day, what can they take to stay away from it? ## People this addiction is fatal. If you are taking around 14 to 20 and especially if its over 3 to 4 years, chances are your liver is already damaged at least by around 50%- 70 %. Consult a doctor for help if you cant leave it on your. If your really want to leave it DONT just stop, cut the dosage down slowly day by day, in this way you wont really feel intense withdrawal symptoms, Remember taking 2 tablets can cure the headache you will get but dont take the tablet for no reason and please eat. I have damaged 80% of my liver taking stilpane. Life is more important. Look at your family and friends around you, you can beat this. ## I was also in the same boat..then i ...


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