White Round Pill 8mg Subutex Imprint 54 755

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Need to find a similar pill to a 8mg subutex with imprint. 54 411 ## Unfortunately there aren't any pills with the same imprint and/or color, since this is what makes these 8mg Subutex tablets unique amongst other pills on the market. I don't know why anyone would even need a fake replacement for it, but I hope for whoever's sake that it's for the right reasons. The closest match I was able to find is a white round pill marked "54 755", however this also happens to be generic Subutex. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Buprenorphine Details May I ask what you plan on using the replacement for? ## Yes they make generic Tylenol from the dollar store that looks just like subutex but the rylenol pills are a little more hard than the texs ## Wat is the...

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