What Is Caffeine Withdrawal

12 Topics Found

Does anyone have a solution to adderrall withdrawal? OTC behind the pharmacy counter meds? Anything? Long story short the 20 mg weren't working and I ran out a week early. The depression and fatigue are horrible. Anyone have a solution to this? ## It helps if you can sleep because your body is adjusting to the medication not being in your system. Sometimes it helps to drink some coffee, but it doesn't help much. Do Not drink too much coffee. This is Not a situation where more is better. You do need to discuss the Adderall not working with your dr. ## Hi Stephen, Sorry to hear about your situation. BL's advice is spot on! I just wanted to add a variety of other suggestions outside of coffee that may be worth looking into: *The caffeine contained in tea has more of what I woul...

2 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Hi going thru tough benzo withdraw and wanting to know if butal/acetamin/caf codeine will be ok ## Hi Rick, Sorry to hear about the withdrawals. From what I could gather, Fioricet w/ Codeine (Butalbital + Acetaminophen + Caffeine) is marketed for use in relieving tension headaches and pain. Apparently the caffeine is what works to relieve headache pain, while butalbital and acetaminophen work together to help relieve general pain, relax muscles, as well as decrease anxiety. The codeine, I imagine, would just be an added boost to these effects. So depending on what types of symptoms you're experiencing in regards to benzo withdrawal, then it seems to me that this medication may help to alleviate those one's mentioned above in particular. I hope this helps and wish you a quick rec...

1 REPLY Filed under Acetaminophen

I have been on Oxycodone/Acetaminophen 10-325MG, taking 4 daily for about a year for back problems. Recently I ran out for a couple of days and have been feeling like I am going through detox. My doctor has been out of office until tomorrow. My wife has a script of Butalbital/Acetaminophen/Caffeine/Codeine 50-300-40-30. Could I take one of these to take the edge off until tomorrow? ## The closest ingredient related is the Codeine, but it is much weaker than Oxycodone, it is a very mild opiate. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Withdrawal symptoms can be normal, if you run out of such a medication early. In the future, if possible, it would be best to schedule doctor...

2 REPLIES Filed under Butalbital

My mother is 81 yrs old, has been using Synap Forte for 25 years - average dosage 10-12 per day! She has become very paranoid-sees/hears voices/people the last few years. Is it the cause of pills?? She has tried every trick in the book to obtain Synap and is now extremely aggressive/angry that pills are going off the market! She has stockpiled pills for a few more months-will she get withdrawals and what must we do? My mother is not suffering from a terminal illness, but has pain associated with old age and early-teen rheumatic fever and osteoporosis. ## Have you considered getting help for her? Synap Forte contains Paracetamol, Propoxyphene, Diphenhydramine and Caffeine and that is a very long time to have been taking it and especially in such high amounts. Yes, suddenly stopping it ma...

1 REPLY Filed under Paracetamol

I need to know how to break an addiction to fiorinal ## Fiorinal contains Aspirin, Caffeine and the Barbituate Butalbital. What kind of withdrawal effects you may experience depends on how long you have been taking it and how much you have been taking. I suggest speaking to your doctor. ## Doctors recognize that both physical and pyscholgical addiction may develop from prescription medication use, even following prescribed doses. It is not your fault. Please get help from recognized addiction treatment providers, including your own doctor. One may also develop medication overuse headache or MOH from too-often used meds. Breaking this cycle may be difficult, but can be done with help. Please ask for that help :) You deserve it. God bless. ## Regular use of medication results in what is c...

3 REPLIES Filed under Fiorinal

Im detoxing of methadone at 40mg and got these 07 I was wondering if they he I was wondering if they help with detoxing ## From what I could gather, the pill imprint "B 074" is identified as Asprin 325mg + Butalbital 50mg + Caffeine 40mg + Codeine phosphate 30mg. Because this combination is used to treat certain symptoms that may be associated with withdrawal (such as headaches) and also happens to belong to the drug class of narcotic analgesics, the medications in it may prove to be helpful as you taper off. It is however important to know that each person can react differently to these medications, so I don't necessarily know how well it'll work. But I think it's fair to anticipate some level of relief from something like this, depending on how severe your symptoms...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

white cricle ## This is a generic form of something called Fiorinal, (the generic ingredients are butalbitol (a sedative), caffeine and aspirin). It is used for serious migraine headaches. It is a very common migraine medication. It is not a controlled substance; however, it can make you very very tired after the caffeine loses its effect. ## Butalbital is a member of the barbituate family, so it can be physically addicting ( 'habit forming'). Your experience may vary. My experience with Fiorinal was that I DID build up a tolerance, so that the doctor had to prescribe me ever larger & larger doses, taken more & more often. However, I was not aware of any withdrawal symptoms when I was not taking the stuff. ## The pill has west word 785 what is it. ## Westward and it'...

4 REPLIES Filed under Fiorinal

I am having trouble with the switch,not sleeping,eating,feel anxious,like I have taken 8000mg caffeine. It does help the pain but the side effects are so unpleasant. I had the same reaction with demerol, opana, & fentanyl. Does anyone have experience or suggestions. I have 5 degenerated discs from breaking my back 40 yrs, ago. ## You're going from taking Methadone to trying something different? If so, then that's probably why right there. Methadone is very well known to be highly addictive and to cause severe withdrawal symptoms. The only thing that's going to help improve that is time, as your body slowly adjusts to no longer taking it. Learn more MS Contin details here. That is actually why most people that take it for addiction treatment end up requiring a lifetime ma...

3 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Okay, I am hoping to get some help. I was on Pristiq 100 mg for the last three years. My insurance now is having a higher co-pay plus I have gained 25 lbs. So the PA switched my to Wellbutrin SR 150mg. It is day three and I feel awful. Very foggy and light headed. Well I found out from her nurse today, that I should not be having any caffeine when I take it. How long will this feeling last?? Anyone have words of wisdom. I am not hungry and that is the good thing. I want to try to stick it out. ## Actually, there could be a combination of factors causing your problems. How long ago did you stop the Pristiq? You could be suffering some withdrawal/rebound effects from stopping it, plus side effects from starting the new medication. These can last for about 4 to 6 weeks, before your body ad...

2 REPLIES Filed under Wellbutrin
NDC 55714-2278 NDC Database

Caffeine Withdrawal Oral Liquid by Newton Laboratories, Inc. ## Package Codes: 55714-2278-0, 55714-2278-1, 55714-2278-2

NDC 55714-2279 NDC Database

Caffeine Withdrawal Oral Pellet by Newton Laboratories, Inc. ## Package Codes: 55714-2279-0, 55714-2279-1, 55714-2279-2

NDC 60512-2016 NDC Database

Caffeine Withdrawal Support Oral Liquid by Homeolab USA Inc. ## Package Codes: 60512-2016-4

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