What Does Use For Methiwave 200

5 Topics Found

What are S-Adenosyl Methionine Tablets made by BRAINWAVE Healthcare Pvt Ltd. used for? ## What is S-methiwave-200mg for? ## What is s- methiwave for ## Please let me know the composition of S.Methiwave-200 and also its usage. I am taking this drug on prescription of a psychiatrist, Dr. Sameer Parekh of Max Hospital. ## Please let me know your condition it has been prescribed to me also by same doctor ## Is psychosis curable

5 REPLIES Filed under Methionine

I am using this drug along with fluoxetine and qutan25.please suggest me it's uses and side affects. ## S mithi wave 200mg has been perscribed together with citi nerve has been perscribed for combating mild forgetfulness problem, kindly comment and also advise if this combination of medicines can be given to the persons with similar problem of occasional forgetfulness. thanks

1 REPLY Filed under Fluoxetine

Why and when is this prescribed? What does it do? Is it to be taken long term? ## why is methiwave 200 mg priscribed and what are the side effects ## S-Methiwave contains S-Adenosyl Methionine, commonly referred to in the U.S. and Canada as SAM-e and sold as an over the counter supplement. Trials have shown it to help with depression, the pain of Osteoarthritis and liver disease. The listed side effects may include: diarrhea, anxiety, headache and insomnia. Learn more: As to how long it should be used, since the only information I have is on its use as a natural supplement, I am afraid I have no details on that. Have you discussed it with your doctor? ## I am taking s-methiwave twice a day since three months along with fluoxetin,loranaxit-1 and qutan25.can you tell me how does it help a...

5 REPLIES Filed under Methionine

prescribed by physian to a patient in critical care

uses and side effects of loranxit 1, pxr-12.5, vibrania, s-methiwave 200, amipride -50, solian, prd ## What is Loranxit-1 used for?


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