Show Me A Fake Yellow Norco

2 Topics Found

I am concerned I recieved some norcos from a mom and pop pharmacy. they were yellow but a brighter yellow than usual. I had a few left that I got from a cvs and they were a lighter yellow enough to see the difference with the eye .but when I split. Them both in half the inside are the same yellow with the crystals .. Have anyone else seen a brighter yellow v/3601 norco I don't knw if this pharmacy giving fake pills?? But effect seem the same ## Hello, Mike! How are you? Actually, the PDR pictures do show this tablet in a couple different shades of yellow. There is no specific criteria that defines what the color should be and it can sometimes vary, depending on the manufacturing process at the specific place where they have been made. It is really nothing to worry about, as long as ...

1 REPLY Filed under Norco

I recently got some v3601 yellows. The outside is a lighter shade of yellow, with patches of white showing. When broken in half I could make out obvious specks of white inside the pill. Not shiny crystals like usual, but actual white specks. Is this normal? I have some pictures but cant post it from my phone. Otherwise the pills are the same size and have the same inscriptions on the pills. ## Those are fake. You should see the white crystals always. ## I think with any pill not received from a licensed pharmacy, there's always the risk of having counterfeits that can resemble it so closely, that the only way to truly verify its legitimacy would be to have it analyzed by a lab or drug panel. Generic norco/vicodin such as this is pretty commonly prescribed though, and I doubt pain ma...

6 REPLIES Filed under Shade

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